HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes GEPB 081009I CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS 2 GENERAL EMPLOYEE PENSION BOARD 3 REGULAR MEETING 4 AUGUST 10, 2009 5 6 The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Allan Owens. 7 I. ROLL CALL 8 PRESENT: Chair Allan Owens, Dindial Laljie, Kenneth Steele, Jami Smith, Brandon 9 Dorsey (arrived at 2:09 p.m.). 10 ABSENT: None. 11 ALSO PRESENT: Accountant Sarah Varga, Deputy Finance Administrator Mary 12 Anderson - Pickle, Attorney Scott Christiensen. 13 II. OLD BUSINESS 14 Kenneth Steele made a motion for approval of the June 25, 2009 minutes. 15 Dindial Laljie seconded. 16 Motion passed 4 -0. 17 III. NEW BUSINESS 18 Bryan Bakardiiev and Dave West presented the Bogdahn Consulting report. 19 Kenneth Steele made a motion authorizing Bogdahn Consulting to move forward with 20 the recommended policy change allowing Bogdahn Consulting to expand the investments. 21 Jami Smith seconded. 22 Motion passed 5 -0. 23 Andrew Holtzrieve presented the Rockwood report. 24 Attorney Scott Christiensen presented his report. 25 Jami Smith made a motion approving the transmission to the State of the expected 26 investment rate of return for the coming year(s) and the long term thereafter at 8 percent. 27 Keneth Steele seconded. 28 Motion passed 5 -0. 29 Brandon Dorsey made a motion for approval of the payment of bills. 30 Dindial Laljie seconded. 31 Motion passed 5 -0. 32 33 (The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 GENERAL EMPLOYEE PENSION BOARD Page 08-10-09 I XI. ADJOURNMENT 2 Jami Smith made a motion to adjourn. 3 Brandon Dorsey seconded. 4 Motion passed, 5 -0. 5 The meeting adjourned at 3:14 p.m. 6 The next regularly scheduled meeting will announced at a later date. 7 8 APPROVED 9 10 11 Allan Owens, Chair- 12 12 13 14 15 Kenaeth Steele 16 17 3ami SfRi 18 19 (Wanden Dorsey) 20 21 * Due to the reorganization of this Board, the individuals listed below are the official 22 signators to approve and ado inutes for the General Employees Pension Board. 23 24 25 26 27 Allan Owens, Chair 28 30 `31 Mary Ande son - Pickle 32 33 34 ATTEST 39 Donna M. Cannon 40 Municipal Services Coordinator 41 42 43 44 45 Note: These minutes are prepared in compliance with 286.011 F.S. and are not verbatim 46 transcripts of the meeting. A verbatim audio record is available from the Office of the City 47 Clerk. All referenced attachments on file in the Office of the City Clerk. GENERAL EMPLOYEE PENSION BOARD Page 08-10-09