HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Council Agenda 030101• • • (,) (S 1:2 : V% ;- - / 2 : 1 0 !?-, City of Palm Beach Gardens Council Agenda March 1, 2001 Council Chambers 10500 N. Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Mayor Russo Vice Mayor Jablin " Council Member Clark ✓ Council Member Furtado✓ Council Member Sabatello✓ • 0 • CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 1, 2001 7:00 P.M. I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7A II. ROLL CALL - III. ANNOUNCEMENTS: IV. PRESENTATIONS: V. ITEMS & REPORTS BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL: (let VI. CITY MANAGER REPORT: et- APP a. Public Information Report. � �OQI VII. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: (For Items Not on the Agenda) (Please submit request card to Clerk prior to this Item) T-.** t4 owy - U VIII. CONSENT AGENDA: a !,J'`L'� - Gr�►ef. P"• b°p` `°..> a. Consideration of approving Minutes from the January 29, 2001 City Council Workshop Meeting. ka"t,.- - be.4.. b. Resolution 37, 2001 - Appointing Poll Workers. Consideration of appointing election officials for the March 13, 001 General Election. C. Resolution 38, 2001 - Declaring Rescue Chassis Surplus. Consideration of declaring a surplus asset. d. Resolution 41, 2001 - Recognizing the accomplishments of Dale Earnhardt. i �s IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: - V),)."e a. Ordinance 01, 2001 — Police Department Pension Amendment. An Ordinance of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code, entitled Police Officers' Retirement Trust Fund; revising provisions regarding establishment and maintenance of Retirement System; revising provisions regarding Statutory compliance; revising provisions regarding normal retirement; revising provisions regarding disability retirement; revising provisions regarding death benefits; revising provisions regarding lump sum payment of small retirement income; revising provisions regarding prior Police Officer service; adding new provision regarding cost of living adjustments; revising provisions regarding eligibility to participate; providing for the repeal of any part of the Palm Beach Gardens Code, any Ordinance or Resolution or parts thereof in conflict herewith; and providing for an effective date. Q (2 ' orA � g(s trht t V R. ,• ry � � N e ��s.we a.s► �a....r X. RESOLUTIONS: XI. ORDINANCES: (For Consideration on First Reading) XII. ITEMS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: .10 XIII. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: XIV. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: XV. ADJOURNMENT. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Florida Statute 86.26, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk's Department, no later than 5 days prior to the proceeding at telephone number (561) 799 -4120 for assistance, if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers (800) 955 -8771 (TDD) or (800) 955 -8700 (VOICE), for assistance. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council, with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. �� �R..» - � RACP�C �V�'Y. -ri}�• �" - �aa}e.,.. hol es-.. ��vsvy../N.'+ , �e vNp (�,,.e ( r f;, r& rR co.s z Nit W*44ft , y. Avwk a N 6 6M A,yv,e (lo w r'ae*c41%cC va a ar CC �2;44Cro -) JkQ-J— rr' a. �.., CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS MEMORANDUM t TO: Mayor /Council DATE: March 1, 2001 FROM: Ronald M. Ferris, City Manager SUBJECT: Plant Drive Roller Hockey Rink This is our first attempt of formalizing a policy of the use of City recreational facilities. At the last Council meeting of February 15'`, a citizen raised the question of why the roller rinks at Plant Drive Park are closed to the general public. Please review the attached information and give me your views on this policy. RMF:ps Attachment f CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS RECEIVED MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MAR 1- 2001 v DR a Elm Q � TO: Ron Ferris, City Manager DATE: February 27, 2001 FROM: Sue Miller, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Use of City Recreational Facilities Determining the appropriate use of City athletic facilities between user groups has been an on -going tug of war for the Parks and Recreation Department during the past several years. Recently, this problem has reached a point where a policy on how to best serve the residents, while protecting the City's investment in these facilities, should be adopted. Currently the Gardens Park baseball fields, the Lake Catherine Softball fields, the Plant Drive Roller Hockey Rinks and the Plant Drive baseball fields are locked until needed by the primary in -season user groups, the Palm Beach Gardens Youth Athletic Association ( PBGYAA) and the Palm Beach Gardens High School Baseball team. Although this practice has been, for the most part, accepted by the majority of the users (and appreciated by the PBGYAA), there are individuals and groups of users, some affiliated and some not affiliated with these major users, who have blatantly cut the locks on facilities in order to gain access for their personal use. In order to alleviate this situation and allow for additional controlled access to these areas, while at the same time protecting the City's investment in these facilities, staff submits the following for consideration. PRIORITIZE USERS: Certain parameters would be created to ensure that the use of the facilities would enable all potential groups and public an appropriate amount of use. This would be done through the department working hand in hand with the primary Recreational Providers (City, PBGYAA and the School district) to schedule time for their activities. Following this, time would be set aside, based on availability, for use of facilities by the general public. Additional time would then be set aside for use, through a series of permits and fees, for the Non - affiliated user groups. Staff proposes the following priority list of users: 1. City sponsored activities 2. PBGYAA sponsored activities 3. Palm Beach County schools who have an inter -local agreement with the City of Palm Beach Gardens 4. General Public 5. Non - affiliated organized groups CATEGORY OF USERS: City Use — City sponsored activities would be the first prioritized user group (This listing of priority usage is addressed in the agreement between the City and the PBGYAA). Presently the department schedules activities in the following sports: Youth Tackle Football and Cheerleading; Youth Flag Football; Youth Soccer; Boys Basketball; Adult Softball; Adult Flag Football; Adult Basketball and, Adult Volleyball. Additionally, the Department has an agreement with the Palm Beach Soccer Academy to provide the youth travel soccer program. PBGYAA Use — The PBGYAA would have second priority of use. Presently they offer the following youth sports: Fall and Spring Baseball; Softball — Spring and Travel; Girl's Basketball and two seasons of Roller Hockey (Fall and Spring). This recreational provider will be issued a permit by the department outlining their facility reservations and guidelines. Palm Beach County School Use — The third priority in user groups would be the County school's who have a current inter -local agreement with the City. Those schools include: Palm Beach Gardens High School; Dwyer High School; Duncan Middle School; Watkins Middle School; Timber Trace Elementary; Palm Beach Gardens Elementary; and, Allemanda Elementary. Currently, Palm Beach Gardens High School is the primary user in this category with the baseball team using the baseball field at Plant Drive park over 125 days per year, while the soccer teams use the city soccer fields 55 days per year and the swim team utilizes the municipal pool 58 days per year. This recreational provider will be issued a permit by the department outlining their facility reservations and guidelines. General Public Use — Facilities open to the general public will be available on a non- exclusive use policy. These time periods will be available when the facilities are not occupied by the recreational providers. All persons wishing to use a facility during this open time will be welcome to do so. These Public use times will be posted at the facilities as well as announced on the department's sports hotline. During these times, the facilities will be open until dusk. Non - Affiliated Organized Groups — This category would include organized teams, such as the American Legion baseball team, who are not affiliated with the City or the PBGYAA. This classification of users would have to request a permit for use from the Parks and Recreation department and pay the appropriate fee in order to use the facility. During the sports season of a recognized recreational provider, permits will not be issued to Non - Affiliated Organized Groups. As an example, an outside baseball group would not be allowed to use the baseball facilities during the baseball seasons as scheduled by the PBGYAA.. Staff believes that implementing the policy in this manner will greatly increase the opportunities for all appropriate users to have access to the facilities. ENFORCEMENT /SUPERVISION: With the increased activities in the parks, including year round baseball, softball, roller hockey, etc., along with the addition of new facilities (Mirasol Park) the implementation of even a limited facility usage permit policy will require additional staff to enforce the policy in an equitable manner. The department anticipates accomplishing this through the use of Parks Rangers. These Park Rangers would be utilized on the weekends and evenings to assist in enforcing this new policy, as well as other City related ordinances, specifically Ordinance Number 46 which deals with parks and recreation related items. Under normal operating procedures, the Ranger(s) would patrol the parks system on a regular basis assisting the parks visitors whenever and wherever possible. Parks users would also have the ability to contact the Ranger if a situation warrants by calling the Ranger through a cell phone number, that will be posted at each facility. If a situation exists wherein the Ranger needs assistance in handling a problem or enforcement of a policy or ordinance, the Ranger would be able to contact the Police Department for assistance. The addition of the Parks Rangers will increase the budget by approximately $70,000 - $75,000 per year, which would include salaries, benefits, uniforms, phones, etc. (see the following table). Due to their evening and weekend scheduling, the Rangers would be able to use a department vehicle. Ranger Salary Pension Insurance Worker's Comp Uniforms Cell Phone Charges Total $27,150 $ 2,433 $ 3,270 $ 1,739 $ 500 $ 850 $35,942 x 2 = $71,884.00 ANNUAL FIELD MAINTENANCE: Incorporated in all of the scheduled facility usage time, would be the appropriate amount of "down time" required by the department to complete the annual maintenance on the facilities. This would involve closing the facilities for up to a month (for bermuda turf fields) in order to allow for verti- cutting, aerification, and top dressing. Other required maintenance can be completed throughout the year on a regular, daily schedule. The scheduled "down time" that is needed to complete the major annual repairs to each facility will involve closing the facility to all use for an extended time period. Staff anticipates closing the facilities each year at the approximate times listed in the following table. Facility _Approximate Closi ig Dates Gardens Park Baseball Fields July 23 — August 25 Lake Catherine Sports Complex Au ust 1 — 31 Soccer Fields May 14 — May 25 July 23 — August 25 Plant Drive Park Baseball Field July 23 — August 25 PGA Softball Fields May 7 - 19 Roller Hockey Rinks June 11 — 16 December 10 - 15 PERMITS AND FEE STRUCTURE: For those Non - Affiliated Organized Groups who would like to use the city facilities, they would need to apply to the Parks and Recreation department to obtain a permit and pay the appropriate fee to use the facilities. The permitting process for organizations who fall in the category of Non - Affiliated Organized Groups would include requesting the permit from the department no more than three working days in advance of the projected use and paying the appropriate fees at that time. This procedure will allow the department to ensure that an non - affiliated group does not monopolize the City facilities. Permittee will be given a copy of the permit to carry on site, and in the case of inclement weather, the permit can be re- issued. These groups should also be required to carry liability insurance which names the City as an additional insured. Adult teams who are participating in a current city sponsored leagues will be not be required to provide the insurance if pulling a practice permit. Staff believes that these groups are often non - resident heavy, and as such they should be willing to pay to use the facilities. Regardless of the composition of these groups, staff is proposing the following schedule for fees to use the facilities by groups such as this. Staff conducted a survey of other agencies in 2000, to determine equitable fees to charge potential permit users. From that survey, staff determined that the fees proposed were within industry standards. The light fees were based upon actual FPL bills for the named facilities, along with estimated costs for repairs and replacement. FACILITY FACILITY PERMIT FEE FACILITY LIGHT FEE Gardens park baseball field $20.00/ 2 hours minimum $10/hour Soccer field $20.00/ 2 hours minimum $10/hour Plant Drive baseball field $20.00/ 2 hours minimum $10/hour Lake Catherine softball field $20.00/ 2 hours minimum $10/hour Roller Hockey $20.00/ 2 hours minimum $10/hour Uuu If an Non - Affiliated Organized Group would like to use any of the facilities for a tournament, staff proposes that the organization make the request in writing to the department at least four weeks in advance. The following fees proposed for these tournaments have been in effect with the department since May of 1997, and have been used for several benefit tournaments and the NSA Girl's State fastpitch tournament. Facility Athletic Field — baseball, soccer Hockey Rink Rental $200/12 hour day - $20/hour each additional hour /day $200/12 hour day - $20/hour each additional hour /day PRIVATE CONTRACTORS: Light Fee $10/hour /field $10/hour /rink Staffing Fee $20/hour /field $20/hour For those individuals who desire to use the facilities to conduct private instructional lessons, they will need to conform with the criteria as stated in Ordinance 46 — 13 which states: (a) "No person shall engage in any commercial activity for compensation, nor solicit or canvass for the sale or rental of merchandise, services, goods, or property of any kind or character, within a city park ". (b) "This section shall not apply to a tenant, concessionaire, permittee, or licensee who is lawfully operating in accordance with the terms of a lease or concession agreement with the City or in accordance with the terms of a permit or license granted by the Director ". Additionally, staff believes that since these private contractors are using city facilities to earn money, these individuals should be responsible for sharing their profits with the City. As a result, they should fall under the same criteria the department uses when hiring other outside contractors, which involves advertising through the department's newsletter, registration of the activity through normal registration procedures, a 70/30 split of fees with the City, and disbursement of funds through the Finance Department. CONCLUSION: Staff believes that the benefits of implementing such as system as described herein will have a positive impact on the department and the City. Not only will the service level to the residents increase by providing increased open use times, the designated recreational providers will have the security of knowing that their efforts in providing these valuable services to the city will not be undermined by outside organizations. �L% Staff recommends that this policy be implemented with or without changes in order to provide additional facility use to the residents as well as clarifying how outside Non - Affiliated Organized Groups/Private Contractors can utilize city facilities. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING, 1/29/2001 CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING January 29, 2001 The January 29, 2001, Workshop Meeting of the City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, was called to order at 12:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex located at 10500 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. ROLL CALL: The following elected officials were in attendance: Mayor Joseph R. Russo, Councilmember Lauren Furtado, and Councilmember Carl Sabatello. Vice Mayor Eric Jablin arrived at 12:15 p.m. Councilmember David Clark was absent. CITY MANAGER REPORT: Report on Proposed Budget Revisions - Councilmember Furtado requested information regarding which items were budgeted but not appropriated last year, and where the money was allocated. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Sabatello questioned the City Attorney about voting on consent agenda items regarding Mirasol and Ballenlsles since he was a builder in those developments. City Attorney Rubin advised that Councilmember Sabatello could note before the consent agenda vote that he did not have a voting conflict but that he did have an association. Regarding Legacy Place, Councilmember Furtado noted Nancy Graham of WCI had left a message for her but she did not yet know if there were any issues. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ordinance 35, 2000 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, providing for the approval of an application from Tenet of South Florida Health Systems for an amendment to the Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Planned Unit Development which was originally approved by Ordinance 28, 1991 and was subsequently amended by Resolution 92, 1992, Resolution 3, 1995 and Ordinance 26, 1995; approving a change in uses of 81,600 square feet of previously approved unbuilt medical center uses located at the southeast corner of Burns Road and Gardens East Drive, as more particularly described herein; providing for conditions of approval; providing for waivers; providing for severability; providing for conflicts; and providing for an effective date. Councilmember Sabatello requested additional language stating that if there was a median on Burns Road, St. Mark's and the Medical Center would share in the maintenance, and to affirm petitioner's responsibility for maintenance of the right -of -way. Councilmember Furtado noted that during the last construction at the hospital work had started earlier than scheduled and nearby residents were not ready. She requested that residents be made aware so this would not happen again. Vice Mayor Jablin asked what unresolved issues from previous Resolutions and Ordinances were and if they were spelled out. Staff responded they would find the answer and report to the Vice Mayor. ORDINANCES: Ordinance 01, 2001 - An Ordinance of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, amending Article III of the Palm Beach Gardens Code, entitled Police Officers' Retirement Trust 0 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING, 1/29/2001 2 Fund; revising provisions regarding establishment and maintenance of retirement system; revising provisions regarding statutory compliance; revising provisions regarding normal retirement; revising provisions regarding disability retirement; revising provisions regarding death benefits; revising provisions regarding lump sum payment of small retirement income; revising provisions regarding prior police officer service; adding new provision regarding cost of living adjustments; revision provisions regarding eligibility to participate; providing for the repeal of any part of the Palm Beach Gardens Code, any Ordinance or Resolution or parts thereof in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. There were no questions or comments regarding this Ordinance. ITEMS FOR COUNCIL ACTION: Appointing Acting/Interim City Manager - Mayor Russo commented that he would like to bring in Colin Baezinger to speak about interested applicants. . CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Councilman Sabatello requested that the Seacoast Utility situation be clarified. Councilmember Furtado requested the election codes be reviewed. Mayor Russo asked that this be brought up at the regular City Council meeting because only agenda items are to be discussed at these workshop meetings. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m. APPROVAL: ATTEST: CAROL GOLD CITY CLERK • MAYOR JOSEPH R. RUSSO VICE MAYOR ERIC JABLIN CHAIRMAN PRO TEM CARL SABATELLO COUNCILMAN DAVID CLARK COUNCILWOMAN LAUREN FURTADO 1] • �Y CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CITY COUNCIL Agenda Cover Memorandum Date: February 20, 2001 Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject/Agenda Item Resolution 37, 2001 — Appointing Election Officials for the General Election March 13, 2001 Recommendation /Motion: Adopt Resolution 37, 2001 Reviewed by: Originating Dept.: Costs: $6,540.00 Council Action: (Total) City Attorney City Clerk [ 1 Approved $ $6,540.00 [ ] Approved w/ Finance Current FY conditions [ ] Denied ACM Advertised: N/A Funding Source: [ ] Continued to: Other [X ] Operating Attachments: ( x ] Not Required [ ] Other Submitted by: DLprtment Dire or Affected parties Budget Acct. #: [ ]Notified 01- 0200412.5295 [ ] None A4ya d by: C er [ ] N ot required BACKGROUND For the purpose of conducting the General Election to be held in the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, on Tuesday, March 13, 2001, the City Council must designate and appoint Poll Workers. • • • RESOLUTION 37, 2001 1 RESOLUTION 37, 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, APPOINTING THE ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY ON TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2001; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The following Clerks and Inspectors are hereby designated and appointed by the City Council for the purpose of conducting the General Election to be held in the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, on Tuesday, March 13, 2001: PRECINCT 31 CLERK ROSE F. ESPOSITO INSPECTORS ANNA DEDOMINICIS JACQUELYN BRYANT TERESA M. HERBERT CECILE J. CHAMPAGNE PRECINCT 31A CLERK DORRIS M. GORMLEY INSPECTORS EVELYN I. ANDERSON MARGARET L. CANNON AUDREY F. FICARRO PAULINE R. HREHOVICK PRECINCT 31B CLERK RICHARD E. CAMPION INSPECTORS DONOVON R. CARR MELVIN SHUTER NORMAN PLOTSKY GEORGE A. LEAVITT, JR. 1 RESOLUTION 37, 2001 2 • • 2 PRECINCTS 31C & 31F CLERK BETTY F. LEVINE INSPECTORS ROSE CULLEN MARY B. DAY MARVIN SCHNEIDER EILEEN A. FOLEY PRECINCT 31D CLERK SUSAN TRENT WILSON INSPECTORS MARIANNE FOX DAVID ROBINSON HELEN SIGNOR PRICILLA SALMON PRECINCT 31E CLERK MELVYN LEVINE INSPECTORS SHEILA G. SCHNEIDER PHYLLIS M. MUMFORD NORMAN OULLETTE PRECINCTS 31G & 47C CLERK JAMES W. BELTZ INSPECTORS JULIA ENGLAND MARTHA PRASNAL MARJORY E. SMITH PRECINCTS 31H & 47B CLERK JIM GALLAHER INSPECTORS CLARK SCHLOSSER ROBERT J. CHRISTIAN RICHARD E. HOFFMAN RON GERSON • 2 cl PRECINCTS 42 & 42A CLERK ARLISS B. HEATH INSPECTORS ARLENE BECKER JULIA HYDRO FLORA MAE KENNEDY LUCY OULLETTE PRECINCT 45 CLERK CLAUDIA R. BESTLAND INSPECTORS PAUL A. BIADASZ ANNETTE G. COURTEMANCHE LAWRENCE O. HARJEHAUSEN GERALDINE MARTINO PRECINCT 45A CLERK SALLY B. TRUESDALE INSPECTORS ANGELINE SHAFFER ANN DESTEFANIS BARBARA THOMPSON ROSE K. WHITE PRECINCT 47 CLERK ANN MARIE YOUNG INSPECTORS ROBERT J. DOOLEY JEAN BUDDE JAMISON DORIS L. LIGHT ALICE K. RUDY PRECINCT 47A CLERK DOROTHY C. GALLAHER INSPECTORS CAROLINE H. ANDOLSEN CAROL E. DODD HERBERT J. YOUNG EDWARD ROSEMA JR. 3 RESOLUTION 37, 2001 3 • RESOLUTION 37, 2001 4 PRECINCT 47D SARAH SETTLE WISHOVICH INSPECTORS MARILYN GERSON VIRGINIA W. OWEN MELINDA MANONE GALEY WILLIAM C. OWEN SECTION 2. In the event no candidate shall receive a majority of the votes cast in said General Election, a run -off election shall be held on March 27, 2001, and the above officials be and they are hereby designated and appointed by the City Council for said run -off election if such becomes necessary. SECTION 3. In the event any of the above poll workers cannot work at either the March 13, 2001, election or the March 27, 2001, run -off election, another qualified poll worker shall be appointed by the City Clerk. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1sT DAY OF MARCH 2001. ATTEST: CAROL GOLD CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. RUSSO, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY. 0 CITY ATTORNEY 4 • • • VOTE: AYE NAY ABSENT MAYOR RUSSO VICE MAYOR JABLIN COUNCILWOMAN FURTADO COUNCILMAN CLARK COUNCILMAN SABATELLO 5 RESOLUTION 37, 2001 5 1] • s,V CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CITY COUNCIL Agenda Cover Memorandum Meeting Date: March 15, 2001 Date Prepared: February 15, 2001 Subject/Agenda Item Declaring Asset #9516, VIN.# 1FV3GFBCXSL611713, rescue chassis a surplus asset. Recommendation/Motion: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 38, 2001. Reviewed by: Originating Dept.: Costs: $ 0 Council Action: City Attorn Fire- Rescue Total [ ] Approved Finance $ 0 Current FY [ ] Approved w/ conditions ACM [ ] Denied Human Res. - Other Advertised: Funding Source: N/A [ ] Continued to: Date: [ ] Operating Attachments: Paper: [ ] Other Staff Report Submitted by: [ X ] Not Required Peter T. Berge Department Head Ll Affected parties [ ] N Budget Acct. # :: [ ] None Approved by: City Ma g [ X ] Not required BACKGRO ND: See attached Staff Report. CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council APPROVED: Ronald M. Ferris, City Manager FROM: Peter T. Bergel, Fire Chie SUBJECT: Declaration of Surplus Asset Background DATE: February 15, 2001 Rescue 62 was budgeted for refurbishment in the 2000/2001 Fiscal Year. Part of the refurbishment included replacing the chassis on this vehicle. Therefore, Fire Rescue has a used chassis that can be declared surplus. Discussion During the 2000/2001 Fiscal Year Fire Rescue "piggybacked" on the bid for the refurbishment of Rescue 61. This bid did not give an allowance for the trade in value of the old chassis. Fire Rescue will return at a later Council Meeting for the trade in of this chassis for needed field equipment. Recommendation Staff recommends Asset #9516, VIN.# 1FV3GFBCXSL611713, rescue chassis be declared a surplus asset. Ptb: PTB cc: file RESOLUTION 38, 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF A DECLARATION OF SURPLUS ASSETS; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, has declared Asset #9516, Vin.# 1FV3GFBCXSL611713 Rescue Chassis as a surplus asset. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, hereby approves a Declaration of Surplus Asset for Asset #9516, Vin.# 1FV3GFBCXSL611713 Rescue Chassis as a surplus asset. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF MARCH, 2001. MAYOR JOSEPH R. RUSSO ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY: CAROL GOLD, CMC, CITY CLERK LEONARD RUBIN, CITY ATTORNEY VOTE: MAYOR RUSSO VICE MAYOR JABLIN COUNCIL MEMBER CLARK COUNCIL MEMBER FURTADO COUNCIL MEMBER SABATELLO AYE NAY ABSENT City of .Palm .Beach Gardens Declaration of Surplus Asset Asset Number: 9516 Date: February 15, 2001 Serial Number: 1FV3GFBC%SL611713 Department: Fire Rescue (12) Historical Cost (Cost when New): Approximately $40,4)00.00 Description: Used chassis from rescue refurbishment Reason of Disposal x Unserviceable, due to normal wear and tear Uneconomical to repair Salvage, parts could be used Irreparably damaged or destroyed Obsolete, no further value I* I Disposal Method To be sold at auction Traded in on newer model XX Other: Will,be traded for needed field equipment. `J Depar�trrL�'irector Assistant Finance Director City Manager Approved by Resolution #: Finance Department: Date Removed: SUItPLU.SASSL•T.1p +� CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CITY COUNCIL Agenda Cover Memorandum Date: February 21, 2001 Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 [7 Jf Subject/Agenda Item Resolution 41, 2001 — Recognizing Dale Earnhardt, Sr. Recommendation /Motion: Adopt Resolution 41, 2001 Reviewed by: Originating Dept.: Costs: Council Action: City Attorney City Council (Total) [ ] Approved Current FY [ )Approved w/ Finance conditions [ ] Denied ACM Advertised: N/A Funding Source: [ ] Continued to: Other [ ] Operating Attachments: [ x ] Not Required [ 1Other Submitted by: Department Director Affected parties Budget Acct. #: City Clerk [ ] Notified [ ] None Approved by: City Mana [ ] Not required BACKGROU D Requested by Councilman David Clark. • • • RESOLUTION 41, 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING DALE EARNHARDT'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SPORT OF RACECAR DRIVING DURING HIS CAREER; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the career of Dale Earnhardt, Sr. as a NAS CAR racer ended suddenly when he died Sunday, February 18, 2001 in a crash on the last lap of the Daytona 500; and WHEREAS, Dale Earnhardt made his stock car racing debut on May 25, 1975 finishing 22"d in the World 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway; and WHEREAS, Mr. Earnhardt finished in the top five 268 times and in the top ten 404 times during his racing career; and WHEREAS, Dale Earnhardt won the Winston Cup Championships seven times, the IROC Championships three times and was the American Driver of the Year in 1987 and 1994; and WHEREAS, the City of Palm Beach Gardens was eagerly anticipating welcoming Mr. Earnhardt as a neighbor of this community; and WHEREAS, the City of Palm Beach Gardens joins Mr. Earnhardt's family, friends and fans in their sorrow upon the untimely death of Dale Earnhardt, Sr. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, that Section 1. The City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens hereby recognizes Dale Earnhardt's accomplishments and contributions in the sport of racecar driving and expresses condolences to his family, friends and fans. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon passage and adoption by the City Council. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF Joseph R. Russo, Mayor 0 ATTEST: Carol Gold, MMC, City Clerk VOTE: Mayor Russo Vice Mayor Jablin Councilwoman Furtado Councilman Clark Councilman Sabatello • • APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY. City Attorney AYE NAY ABSENT i� CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS CITY COUNCIL Agenda Cover Memorandum C7 Meeting Date: 3 -1 -01 Date Prepared: 2 -20 -01 Subject/Agenda Item: Palm Beach Gardens Police Department Pension Amendment Recommendation/Motion: Approve Ordinance -01 -2001 Reviewed by: Originating Dept.: Police Costs: S 0 Council Action: Total City Attorney [ ] Approved Finance $ [ ] Approved w/ conditions Current FY ACM [ ] Denied Advertised: Human Res. Funding Source: ( ] Continued to: Attachments: Other Date: [ ] General Fund Paper: ( x ] Other Ordinance amending x ] Not Required pension plan WmqtDirector' Affected parties ' ] Notified Budget Acct. #: N/A [ ] None Approved by: City Manag Vl ( ] Not required BACKGROU : This is an amendment to improve the police pension benefits. The amendment will help to keep and attract police officers as it brings pension benefits up to the level of other police pensions in Palm Beach County and throughout the state. This is the first time the police pension benefits are being amended since 1995. Police officers are paying for the costs of the benefit improvements through payroll deduction and a decrease in the disability benefit. This amendment has been approved by the Board of Trustees of the Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension fund. The City Council unanimously adopted this ordinance on first reading at the February 1, 2001, city council meeting. DISCUSSION: Based on a survey of other municipalities and of the participants opinions, the following benefits will make the City of Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension fund competitive with the benefits offered by those of other municipalities. Upon :approval of council, the attached ordinance amending the pension plan will be as follows: 1. Employee contribution of 8.60% of payroll and changes minimum contribution rate to match the Florida Statues; 2. Amends statutory reference in Section 50 -111; 3. Changes Normal Retirement to 20 years regardless of age and increase multiplier to 3 %. 4. Provides that the duty death benefit will be at least the accrued benefit without early retirement reduction and provides that the non -duty death benefit will be payable for the life of the beneficiary. 5. Permits lump sum distributions at the discretion of the Board of Trustees when the single sum benefit is less than $5000.00 in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code; 6. Amends the buyback provisions to allow the purchase at any time during employment and allows purchase to be financed over a period equal to the length of time being purchased or five years. 7. Adds a provision for non- guaranteed cost of living adjustment; and 8. Amends DROP language to incorporate 20 and out retirement and simplifies eligibility requirements. 9. Decreases the duty disability percentage to 60% of average monthly compensation from 66 2/3. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of these benefit improvements by City Council. Staff recommends the City Council to adopt the pension ordinance on second reading. i January 23, 2001 ORDINANCE 01, 2001 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE III OF THE PALM BEACH GARDENS CODE, ENTITLED POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND, REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF RETIREMENT SYSTEM; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING STATUTORY COMPLIANCE; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING NORMAL RETIREMENT; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING DISABILITY RETIREMENT; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING DEATH BENEFITS; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING LUMP SUM PAYMENT OF SMALL RETIREMENT INCOME; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING PRIOR POLICE OFFICER SERVICE; ADDING NEW- PROVISION REGARDING COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS; REVISING PROVISIONS REGARDING ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ANY PART OF THE PALM BEACH GARDENS CODE, ANY ORDINANCEV OR RESOLUTION OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Fund ( "Fund "), at the request of the participants, desires to improve the benefits under the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Fund has determined that it is in the best interest of the Participants and Beneficiaries of the Fund to make these changes; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, desires to revise its Police Officers' Pension Ordinance in order implement these improvements to the Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED. BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA: Section 1. Article 111, Chapter 50, Section 50 -62 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: 1 • Sec. 50-62. Establishment and maintenance of retirement system. (c) The fund shall be maintained in the following manner: (2) By payment to the fund of six eight and sixty one hundredths percent (8.60 %) of the salary of each full time police officer duly appointed and enrolled as a member of the city police department; which six eight and sixty one hundredths percent (8.60 %) shall be deducted by the city from the compensation due to the police officer and paid over to the board of trustees of the pension fund on, a -I Ic1 hilly basis immediately. The �arc�� Itaya A.�A....L...A A:.......,. aL... .....1:.... �tJ':�.. -..� �... 1., - -A A-- - - :a...J :.,.a.. at-- s. ..-.J .,... L... Ueu Lict6U 11 VI11 LI IV FUIR,V V111L,U10 Sal QI IU UVPU0ILVU II ILV LI IV IUI IU I IIC3Y V6 A..A F QIG uc;u I- V.. 1 aLI:.I G iL. v aLill 1 IV L,VIIiIV..I..I...I..II:aL.Y V.V.I:a L IL. I 1 .J. IVJ.JJ, 1 /UI• (d) Under no circumstances may the city reduce the member contribution to less than one -half of one percent of salary. Section 2. Article III, Chapter 50, Section 50 -111 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 50 -111. Statutory compliance. The city shall meet the minimum requirements of F.S. §185.35 Chapter 185 in the administration of this article. Section 3. Article 111, Chapter 50, Section 50 -116 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: 0a n • • Sec. 50 -116. Normal Retirement. (a) Date. A member's normal retirement date shall be upon the attainment of age 52, provided the officer has at least ten years of service, or upon completion of $5 20 years of service, regardless of age. (b) Benefit. The monthly amount of normal retirement benefit payable to a police officer who retires on his the normal retirement date shall be an amount equal to 2:65 3 percent multiplied by the number of years of his credited service, up to a maximum of 75 percent, multiplied by hils average monthly earnings. In no event will the benefit paid be less than two percent per year of service. Section 4. Article III, Chapter 50, Section 50- 118(f)(1) of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: (f) Disability benefit. (1) Generally. The disability benefit shall be 7 60 percent of average monthly earnings for disability incurred during the line of duty. For nonduty disability, the disability benefit shall consist of 2.5 percent multiplied by the average monthly earnings multiplied by the years of credited service, with the minimum benefit of 25 percent of salary and a i axlMIU I bay. le`f cf 50 p6rcanLL cf salai y. In no event should the single sum value of such benefits as of the date of termination of service because of disability exceed: a. One hundred times the estimated normal monthly retirement income, based on the assumption that the present rate of compensation continues without changes to normal retirement date, c b. Twice the annual rate of compensation as of the date of termination of service, or C. The single -sum value of the accrued deferred retirement income (beginning at normal retirement date) at date of termination of service, whichever is greatest. Section 5. Article III, Chapter 50, Section 50 -119 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 50 -119. Death Benefits. (a) Line of duty death. If a member dies and the board finds that the death is the natural and proximate result of a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of his or her actual performance of duties as a police officer in the employ 0 of the city, the following pension shall be paid: (g) The surviving spouse shall receive a pension equal to 50 percent of the members final average monthly earnings, or the accrued benefit without early retirement reduction, which ever is greater. This benefit shall continue until the death of the surviving spouse. ' (h) If the deceased member does not leave a surviving spouse, or if the surviving spouse dies, and the member leaves an unmarried child or children under age 18, or age 24 if a full -time student, each child shall receive equal shares of the 50 —pert surviving spouse pension calculated in t I.I.A. paragraph (1). Upon any child's adoption, marriage, death or reaching age 18, or 24 if a full time student, the child's pension shall terminate and the monthly pension shall be 4 reapportioned to the member's remaining eligible children under age 18, or 24 if a full time student. Any pension payable under this subsection shall be paid to the child's legal guardian. (b) Nonduty death. For any deceased who was actively employed and eligible for normal or delayed retirement as of his date of death, the benefit payable shall be that monthly amount which would have been payable had the deceased employee retired on the date of death, with the resulting benefit being paid to the beneficiary for ten yes life. If a police officer dies prior to retirement, but has at least five years of contributing service, the beneficiaries are entitled to the benefits otherwise payable to the police officer at early or normal retirement age, whichever is applicable. If the police officer dies before being eligible to retire under the provisions of this plan, the heirs, legatees, beneficiaries, or personal representatives of such deceased police officer shall be entitled to a refund of 100 percent of the contribution, without interest, made to the fund by such deceased police officer. Section 6. Article III, Chapter 50, Section 50 -126 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 50 -126. Lump sum payment of small retirement income. Notwithstanding any provision of the fund to the contrary, if the monthly retirement income payable to any person entitled to benefits hereunder is less than $30.00 or if the single sum value of the accrued retirement income is less than $3,500.00 $5,000.00 as of the date of retirement or termination of service, whichever is applicable, the board of trustees, in the exercise of its discretion, may specify that 5 the actuarial equivalent of such retirement income be paid in lump sum. Section 7. Article III, Chapter 50, Section 50 -127 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 50 -127. Prior police officer service. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the years or fractional parts of years that a police officer previously served as a police officer with the city during a period of employment and for which accumulated contributions were withdrawn from the fund, or the years and fractional parts of years that a police officer served as a police officer for this or any other municipal, county or state police department in this state shall be added to the years of credited service provided that: (1) The police officer contributes to the fund the sum that would have been requested, had the police officer been a member of this system for the years or fractional parts of years for which the credit is requested plus amount actuarially determined such that the crediting of service does not result in any cost to the fund plus payment of costs for all professional services rendered to the board in connection with the purchase of years of credited service. /mil\ TL. ..a .. L...11 �� .......J .. ... -1.. ...J_........J .. L.... the ......1:.... ... iL:.... .. .. `L.i 1 Iie regU GJL JI lall! be 1II000 on :y Once and made by LI a pollica VIIILi, VI1 .. L...a...... aL... I..a.... �.F A �] ...LL... t- aL...�.il....a :. .J..L.. ..r&L........a:.. VI UGIVIG LI IG IQLGI VI IL IIIVIIU I IIV111 LIIG GIIU LI UQLG VI LI IG VI UIIIQI Wv 9-- 1-: . L . ILL-: .J . aL _ C-- LL . E II V. VVI IICI I LI IIJ SeCt:V VVQJ dar:veLa VI JV I I IV.IU IJ II V_. 11 LI IG VQaG VI ..1 ... ..�.. ...1 ...1 .�.. ..L .:al,� aL.� ,.:a.. ., 1:.... .J ...........L..,.... eI1 ploylllent Vr reernploy111Gl11 ,VILA LIIG Lilly FJVIIL,G UG�,/QI Li I IV[ IL, 0 6 contributed, based on the police officer's salary and the employee contribution rate in effect at the time that the credited service is requested, had the police officer been a member of this system for the years or fractional parts of years for which the credit is requested plus amount actuarially determined such that the crediting of service does not result in any cost to the fund plus payment of costs for all professional services rendered to the board in connection with the purchase of years of credited service. /mil\ TL. ..a .. L...11 �� .......J .. ... -1.. ...J_........J .. L.... the ......1:.... ... iL:.... .. .. `L.i 1 Iie regU GJL JI lall! be 1II000 on :y Once and made by LI a pollica VIIILi, VI1 .. L...a...... aL... I..a.... �.F A �] ...LL... t- aL...�.il....a :. .J..L.. ..r&L........a:.. VI UGIVIG LI IG IQLGI VI IL IIIVIIU I IIV111 LIIG GIIU LI UQLG VI LI IG VI UIIIQI Wv 9-- 1-: . L . ILL-: .J . aL _ C-- LL . E II V. VVI IICI I LI IIJ SeCt:V VVQJ dar:veLa VI JV I I IV.IU IJ II V_. 11 LI IG VQaG VI ..1 ... ..�.. ...1 ...1 .�.. ..L .:al,� aL.� ,.:a.. ., 1:.... .J ...........L..,.... eI1 ploylllent Vr reernploy111Gl11 ,VILA LIIG Lilly FJVIIL,G UG�,/QI Li I IV[ IL, 0 6 YVI IIVIIGVGI IJ IGJJ. (2)(3) Payment by the police officer of the requirement amount maybe made within six months of the request for credit and in one lump sum payment, or the police officer can buy back this time over a period not tc aricaVU hve years equal to the length of time being purchased orfive years, whichever is greater, at an interest rate which is equal to the fund's actuarial assumption. A police officer may request to purchase some or all years of service. No credit shall be given for any service until all years of service which are to be repurchased, have been repurchased. (3) The credit purchased under this section shall count for all purposes, including vesting. (4) In no event, however, may credited service be purchased pursuant to this section for prior service with any other municipal, county or state police department, if such prior service forms or will for a basis of a retirement benefit or pension from another retirement system or plan. Section 8. Article III, Chapter 50 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding a new section 50 -135 as follows: Sec. 50 -135. Annual Adjustments. 1. Subject to the conditions set forth in this section, the board of trustees shall annually authorize an annual adjustment, the amount of which shall be determined as of each September 30th. The amount of the annual adjustment shall be equal to the actuarial present value of future pension payments to current pensioners multiplied by the positive difference, if any, between the rate of investment return and eight and one -half percent (8.50°/x). The actuary shall determine whether there may be a annual adjustment based on the following factors: (a) The actuary for the pension fund shall determine the rate of investment return on the pension fund assets during the twelve (12) month period ending each September 30th. The rate determined shall be the rate reported in the most recent actuarial report submitted pursuant to part VII of chapter 112, Florida Statutes. (b) The actuary for the pension fund shall, as of September 30, determine the actuarial present value of future pension payments to current pensioners. The actuarial present values shall be calculated using an interest rate of eight and one half ,(8.5) percent a year compounded annually, and a mortality table approved by the board of trustees and as used in the most recent actuarial report submitted pursuant to part VI I of chapter 112, Florida Statutes. This will be the pool of funds available to fund the annual adjustment. U If the actuary determines there may be an annual adjustment, the board of trustees shall authorize such an adjustment unless the administrative expenses of distribution exceed the amount available for the distribution. 3. Annual adjustments will be made to pensioners who have attained age 55. Annual adjustments will be paid to beneficiaries who are receiving monthly benefits beginning when the participant would have reached age 55. 4. The annual adjustment will be made as a percentage of the benefit and the 8 9 percentage will be the same for all recipients. The amount of the percentage increase will be determined by the Fund's actuary in accordance with the above procedure. The percentage increase will be equal to the amount that can be fully funded by the pool of funds available but not to exceed 4% in any year and determined by that procedure. If the pool of funds available is greater than 4% in any given year, then the remainder will be placed in an annual adjustment reserve designated for future annual adjustment distributions. 5. The annual adjustments shall be made as of July 1 and each July 1 thereafter, provided a person was retired for at least one year on July 1. Section 9. Article III, Chapter 50, Section 50 -151 of the City of Palm Beach Gardens Code 0 of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 50 -151. Eligibility to participate. (a) Any Member who is eligible to receive an- early - ornormal retirement pension and who has altheI atLCIMULI QyG JG VVII 1 LVII years VI asel Vica, VI %,U6IIFJIVLVU UetVvee l e IL, � (20) arid LYvei -. I V G /LJ` QI IU LIIIiII L� � /JV ` � •6QI S V I %A UUILUU QVi V ica may .r � y- � i y� �y Y enter into the DROP for no more than five years. Members shall elect to participate by applying to the Board of Trustees on a form provided for that purpose. (b) Election to participate shall be forfeited if not exercised within the first a .. , .a.. /n-7) twenty-five 25 ears of ea�ined credited service. �awever, lVYG11Ly- sGVGl1 `L!� Y ) Y F/aliiC.ip/ativil iil uic fii�i vicars of ana%tmeni ;viii vc GAlGIIUUU v iIAJOlU lil�liwciQ vriui t n0 I JGI VIiG LV y('a s V 9 • (e)- -A Member shall not participate in the DROP beyond the time of attaining 1 1 _J-- -- a...,. --- -L -II 44-- a_4_1 -.. r .,. �...L:..: �... �. :... 30 years of service. Vr 1UCI I IV vii C,UI I IOLal R.GJ JI Ian U Ic LVLCII ycal J vI JJCII LwINauVI 1 11 1 LIIG LJIN%at c%ILiGGU IIVG `J� yea. J. 1 VI GJ\alll',lIG. 11 A...... L... ..... :a L, a... --4L.. r:.. /nc\ . ,..r --- AU._A - -4 a: -- a. IVIe111LJGIJ VVILII LVVVI lly -IIVG kG�J j yvaia VI %A GUILGU JGI Vl%,V aL LI111%i _r _ .a _L a .1.. -a:_1 _ a., r...- a•..,_ /cN . VI GI IU y shall VI IIy pal LICI .Ja LG IVI IIVG ,.JJ YUC;Ii Q7. L. II Ael -..L -err ...:4'L- a. .......a., -:.. I"-X .......... r --- 'J:4 -A ..-- a a:... _ LJ. IVIGIIILJ YYILII LVV GI ILy -JIJL `GVJ yG010 VI %AVUILGU JGI VRoa aL Ullka, VI entiy shall only pa1U IF.Ja IG IVI IVLJI `-rj yval J. 11 A...- .L....... .:a4 a... -.-a.. /n7\ .ter .. ....J:a...J -4 V. IVIGIIILJGIJ YYILII LVVGI ILy- JGVGII `L.I I yri01 0 VI LA UU1LGU JGI VIL V aL a: _ r .a- L...0 _1.. a- aicipal-e r...- Slre_ /nN . UI1IG 01 entiy Jllall VIIIy `:Ja ILIV 1'.Ja LG IVI L111cG,Jl years. Section 10. Any part of the Palm Beach Gardens Code in conflict herewith shall be repealed. Section 11. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of the ordinance. Section 12. This Ordinance shall be effective upon adoption. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS DAY OF 2001. PLACED ON SECOND READING THIS DAY OF 2001. 10 • • PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS MAYOR JOSEPH RUSSO DAY OF 2001. VICE MAYOR ERIC JABLIN COUNCILWOMAN LAUREN FURTADO COUNCILMAN DAVID CLARK COUNCILMAN CARL SABATELLO ATTEST: CAROL GOLD, MMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: LEONARD G. RUBIN, CITY ATTORNEY 11 C: \WINDOWS \TEMP\Amend00a_REV.wpd • El yen: nyjHanson Perry Jensen Jan-19-01 01s35rm from 56165559201.5615240913 rage 14%:4 H"SON, PERRY & JENSENt P.A. 105 SOUTH NARCISSUS AVENUE, SU"E 510 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 39401 13 TELHPAONE (561) 603-5840 JILL HANSON* u{nuw.. +�+ FACSIMILE (561) 855-5920 N H. PERRY BREVAR'E) Co. (321) 868 -1885 ANN OPATARAJENSEN EMAIL HPJLAWOBELLSOUTH.NET �._ 9eS N- ATLANTIC AVENUE. SUITE 107 COCOA BEACH. FL 32931 { V lT r0 N[{T HW {4CM aooe W - N- V4MWM)?Irr. January 18, 2001 TO: j ] Steve Cyphen, Esqulre ( J Jay Spencer } Ron Ferris, PBG City Manager [ ] Sam Nasca j } Kent Olson, Finance Director [ } Ken Altman [ Chief Fitzgerald, PBG Police [ ] David Pierson j } Commander Carr, PBG [ ] Jean Elliott Brown FROM: Bonni S. Jensen, Fund Legal Counsel DATE: January 18, 2001 RE: Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Fund DISABILITY MEETING NOTICE - CONFIRMATION This notice will serve as written confirmation of the meeting that was scheduled by my assistant, Karen, on behalf the Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Board of Trustees. The meeting will be held in the Community Services Room of the Palm Beach Gardens Police Oepartment on Tuesday, February &, 2001 at 11:00 A.M. and will include the people whose names are listed above. If you have any questions or if we may be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. BSJlka Copy to: Jim Metz, Administrator Administrative Services Inc. HAPBG 34nmt1n4UbncesT6b 6.wpd HANSON, PERRY & JENSEPT, P.A. 105 SOUTH NARCISSUS AVENUE, SUITE 51 O WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401 JILL HANSON is 'TELEPHONE (561) 655 -5840 ANN H. PERRY FACSIMILE (561) 655 -5920 BONNI SPATARA JENSEN BREVARD CO. (321) 868 -7888 EMAIL: HPJLAW®BELLSOUTH.NET c 363 N. ATLANTIC AVENUE. SUITE 107 January 2, 2001 n�nDpNAGEAI �' OF r-ICECOCOA BEACH_ FL 32931 'ALSO ADMITr D IN N.Y. "• SE111 Toy INWIT - BEACH ADDRESS VV • • VIA FACSIMILE AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Ron Ferris, City Manager City of Palm Beach Gardens 10500 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Re: Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Fund Plan Improvements Our File No.: 3.50 Dear Ron: On behalf of the Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Fund, please add the enclosed amendment City Council agenda for the meeting to be held on January 18, 2001. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. BSJ /adt Copy to: Board of Trustees Administrative Services, Inc. H:\PBG MCity of PBC\City Mgr\ferris \ferriSI.WPD Sincerely yours, onni S. Jense • PLAN TERMS Definition of Compensation: Average Final Compensation JAFC) Credited Service: Normal Retirement: Eligibility: Benefit: Form of Benefit: Early Retirement: Eligibility: Benefit: Death Benefits: (Pre- Retirement) Non -Duty Connected: Duty Connected: • Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Benefits Comparison 10014 C0L W -2 Compensation + Deferred Compensation Average of 5 best of last 10+ unused leave Number of years (+ fractions) as Police officer 52 + 10; or 25 + out 2.65%'x AFC x Credited Service - 75% maximum 10 year certain (+ options) 50+10 Accrued benefit reduced by 6.7% for 1 st 5 years and 3.3% for next 5 years preceding normal retirement date. Eligible for Normal Retirement: Accrued benefit for 10 years 10 years of service: benefit at early /normal retirement Less than 10 years of service: 100% refund of contributions 50% of AFC payable for life of spouse Prepared by Bonni Jensen 12/7/2000 FIRE W -2 Compensation + Deferred Compensation Average of 5 best of last 10 Number of years (+ fractions) as firefiuhter 52 + 10; or 25 + out 2.75% x AFC x Credited Service - 75% maximum 10 year certain (+ options) 50 +10 Accrued benefit reduced by 3% for each year preceding age 52 Vested: Accrued reduced benefit for 10 years Not Vested: 100% refund of contributions Vested: Accrued reduced benefit for 10 years Not Vested: 100% refund of contributions • Duty Disability: Eligibility: Benefit: Non -Duty: Eligibility: Benefit: Termination Benefits: Vesting Schedule: • Contributions: (Members? State Money: HAPBG3\benefd proposaftcomparison • Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Benefits Comparison Unable to render useful and efficient Unable to render useful and efficient service as a police officer. Day one service as a firefighter. Day one coverage coverage 66 2/3% of AFC 60% of AFC Unable to render useful and efficient I Unable to render useful and efficient service as a police officer. 10 years service as a firefighter. 10 years of of service service. 2.5% of AFC x credited service. 2.5% of AFC x credited service. Minimum 25 %, maximum 50 %. Maximum 50 %. Not vested - refund of contributions Not vested - refund of contributions Under 5 0% vested Under 5 0% vested 5 25% vested 5 25% vested 6 40% vested 6 40% vested 7 55% vested 7 55% vested 8 70% vested 8 70% vested 9 85% vested 9 85% vested 10 or more 100% vested 10 or more 100% vested 6% of AFC 6 % of AFC Used to pay offset City contributions Used to provide "share account' to pay for cost of plan benefits. benefit for participants. Prepared by Bonni .Jensen 12/7/2000 21mon, Terry & 3ensen, T.L.W. 105 South Narcissus Avenue -Suite 510 -West Palm Beach, FL 33401 FACSIMILE: 564 -655 -5920 -PHONE. 561 - 655 -5920 DATE: `off - v / TRANSMIT TO FAX NO,: FROM: BONNI S. JENSEN DELIVER TO: PO I) SUBJECT: OUR FILE: # PAGES TRANSMITTED: / • F: %F A X;Wank to 61In."d The Information contained In this facsimile meQ�9 is information protected by attomey- client anWor ft ettomey&ork product privdega. It is intended only for mire use of the individual named above endue privileges are not waived by virtue of this he ving been sent by ( acsimile. d the perm actually receh*q this fecsimile or any other reader of this facsimile is not the named recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver tt to the named recipient any use, dlssemmation, distribution, at copying of the communication is strictly prohibited if you have received this communication in snor, please immediately notify us by telephone and retum the original message to us at the above address via U.S. Postal Service. r� u • • • JILL HANSON• ANN H. PERRY SONNI SPATARA JENSEN -ALSO 41111a O Umy. HANSON, PERBY & JENSEN9 P.A. 105 SOUTH NARCISSUS AVENUE. SURE 510 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIOA 33401 -08110- a w lNfl.frraw January 2, 2001 VIA FACSBULE AND FIRS_ T CLASS MAIL Ron Fens, City Manager City of Palen Beach Gardens 10500 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Dear Ron: TELEPHONE (561) 655 -5840 FACSIMILE (561) 655 -5820 BREVARO CO. (32 1) BBB -7aaa EMAIL: HPJLAWOBELLSOUTH.NET 383 N. ATLANTIC AVENUE, SUITE 107 COCOA BEACH, R. 92991 off V iOt Y[1t ILLY •G�GM �OO�A, Re: Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Fund Plan Improvements Our File No.: 150 On behalf of the Palm Beach Gardens Police Pension Fund, please add the enclosed amendment City Council agenda for the meeting to be held on January 18, 2001. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. BS] /adt Copy to: Board of Trugm Adminietrative Savim, Inc. HAPBG 31City of PBGICity MVWarislfetnis1.WPD Sincerely yours, nni S. 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