HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes P&Z 1023010 CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 23, 2001 MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, was called to order by Chair Dennis Solomon at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 10500 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. REPORT BY GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Growth Management Director Charles Wu reported that the City Council had approved the following cases since the last Planning and Zoning Commission meeting: PGA Office Center sidewalk waiver, three land use plan changes, for deletion of Roadways 18 and 12, deletion of Roadway 15, and 80 acres for a proposed interchange at Central and 1 -95. The sign package for the office and bank components of the La -Z -Boy site had been approved after the applicant had withdrawn the retail and hotel portions of the petition. San Michelle clubhouse, and Wendy's at NorthMil Plaza had also been approved. • APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Ansay made a motion to approve the October 9, 2001 meeting minutes as submitted. Mr. Kunkle seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous 7 -0 vote. ROLL CALL Betty Laur, Secretary for the meeting, called the roll. Present Absent Dennis Solomon, Chairman Joel Channing* Craig Kunkle, Jr., Vice Chairman John Glidden *. Chairman Pro Tern Barry Present Dick Ansay Steven Tarr Alternate Ernest Volonte Alternate David Kendall *Mr. Glidden arrived at 6:55 p.m. *Mr. Channing arrived at 7:12 p.m. • Also present were Growth Management Director Charles Wu, Senior Planner Edward Tombari, Principal Planners Karen Carver and Steve Cramer, Planners John Lindgren and Kara Irwin, City Forester Mark • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 Hendrickson, and City Attorney Andrew Pineiro. ANNOUNCEMENT Chair Dennis Solomon announced that if the last item had not begun by 10:15 p.m. that it would not be heard tonight. Chair Solomon also announced that the first item on the agenda, public hearing for Petition PUD- 00 -07: Oak Park Office Park PUD Amendment (Phase 2) had been postponed indefinitely. Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Petition PCD- 00 -02: Ballenlsles PCD Amendment A request by Henry Skokowski of Urban Design Studio, on behalf of Ballenlsles Country Club, Inc., and MacArthur Holding A., Inc. for an amendment to the approved Ballenlsles Planned Community District (CD) to expand the PCD boundary, located at the southeast corner of PGA Boulevard and the Florida Turnpike. AND Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Petition SP- 01 -17: Ballenlsles North Golf Maintenance Facility • A request by Henry Skokowski of Urban Design Studio, on behalf of BallenIsles Country Club, Inc., and MacArthur Holding A., Inc. site plan approval of a golf maintenance facility within the expanded PCD, located at the southeast corner of PGA Boulevard and the Florida Turnpike. Planner John Lindgren presented the project. Henry Skokowski, agent for the petitioner, provided new graphics and new photographs relating to the site. All waiver requests were due to existing site conditions. Mr. Skokowski described the location of existing vegetation along the perimeter. Mr. Skokowski explained that the amount of landscaping along PGA Boulevard had been doubled since the last meeting, which fully screened views from PGA Boulevard into the site. Mr. Skokowski presented a photo of the north golf maintenance facility viewed from east on PGA approaching the turnpike overpass, as well as one from the top of the overpass. Mr. Skokowski indicated areas where new plants would be added to fully screen the north golf maintenance facility. A view from the west on PGA Boulevard indicated there was no view of the maintenance facility. Mr. Skokowski showed photos depicting views from the Coral Cay community, and explained that topography and landscaping to be added would completely block the view of the maintenance facility. Landscaping in the foreground of the residences was also shown. John Glidden arrived at this point in the meeting at 6:55 p.m. For petition PCD- 00 -02, Mr. Skokowski reported that the petitioner could not agree to condition one in •the staff report, items (a)(b)(c) and (d); and requested conditions two and four be modified. Mr. Skokowski indicated the petitioner agreed with all the conditions for petition SP -01 -17 except for one modification on one condition. Mr. Skokowski described the B -1 buffer, which had been in existence 2 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 for years, clarified land use plan RL and the area zoned RL -3, and explained the history of the area, maintained as open space, which was according to the approved plan. Mr. Skokowski requested that the condition requiring a buffer to block the view be eliminated, and explained the requirement to fence along the landscape buffer was not required for safety because fencing already existed that secured the existing development. The required buffer H along the turnpike was requested to be deleted because there was no way to physically add a buffer because of easements. The petitioner asked that the requirement to block the service access /cart path with landscaping be deleted. Mr. Skokowski proposed the following language for intended use of the sales center: ...shall only be used for real estate type businesses in BallenIsles and elsewhere. Mr. Skokowski explained that there could not be language limited to real estate sales in BallenIsles but only limited to the nature of the operation. Regarding the condition to replat, Mr. Skokowski noted that if a new survey had to be prepared for all of Ballenlsles the cost would be prohibitive and requested only a zoning document and to plat the site. Mr. Skokowski noted there was no problem with re- evaluating the access from PGA Boulevard when the property was sold by MacArthur and developed, but requested the language on a temporary basis be deleted, since it was their access by right and he did not want anyone to think they were willing to give up their access. Mr. Charming arrived at this point in the meeting, at 7:12 p.m. Chair Solomon declared the public hearing open for petition PCD- 00 -02. Robert E. Davis, M.D., 118 Orchid Cay Drive, commented the language on a temporary basis was used for the easement because it was the only way to access and if the City made it illegal to enter that way there would be no way to get in; and the applicant was depending on a new owner to grant an easement. Mr. Davis spoke recommending rezoning limited to real estate sales only, which he indicated was never agreed to by BallenIsles residents. Roma Josephs, 323 Sunset Bay Lane, President of the Concerned Homeowners Association, indicated she had sent a letter to the City stating their position and they were pleased with the staff recommendations. Ms. Josephs commented that permission had not been received from the Turnpike Authority to use their land to access to the north golf maintenance facility through the cut on PGA Boulevard . Ms. Josephs commented that the equity agreement signed by each homeowner when they purchased their homes had been for sale and resale of property within the Ballenlsles community. Ms. Josephs indicated they had met with Mr. Davidson of Dexter Development regarding landscaping, and that the landscaping along the roadway was exotics that would have to someday be removed. Ms. Josephs indicated they were not opposed to the reduction in the units and were in agreement with eliminating the north golf course maintenance facility and using that as open land. Bob Kaplan, 102 Windward Drive, representing the homeowners association, indicated they favored use of the sales center for sales within BallenIsles and that the language should read: the sale of real estate is to include obtaining title and mortgage funding related to the sale and no other activities or businesses. Mr. Kaplan showed a slide of the view of the north maintenance facility from the golf course, and examples of areca palms planted too far apart for total screening. Mr. Kaplan asked that there be no change in ID the way the petitioner accessed the facility. George Sultan spoke on behalf of the BallenIsles Country Club members, that they had agreed the sales facility would be for sale and resale of real estate and asked for no deviation. Mr. Kaplan commented the views shown by the petitioner of the north 3 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 maintenance facility were wrong and the facility was visible. Mr. Kaplan commented there must be access to the north maintenance facility and asked that it be conveyed by the developer with reasonable and safe access. Chair Solomon declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Tarr asked the City Attorney if the City had the legal ability to require the current access to be temporary and force another access through an adjacent owner's property, to which the City Attorney's response was no. Mr. Tarr asked what the current use that was allowed for the sales center was and what was legally permitted. Planner Lindgren responded residential low density was permitted, and this would have to be an accessory use to the primary use of BallenIsles, residential community, and that they could not have a general office open to the public unless they wanted to rezone the land and change its use. Roy Davidson, General Manager for the developer of BallenIsles, explained that in 1999 BallenIsles Country Club went through an equity conversion. Mr. Davidson agreed with the residents who had asked that the current equity language not be changed, and reported the language in essence was agreement to the permanent permitting of the sales center for the sale of real estate in BallenIsles and elsewhere. Mr. Davidson offered to furnish copies of the equity conversion documents. Mr. Tarr asked staff if it were possible to install a small deceleration lane at the access, to which Mr. Lindgren responded the engineers had reviewed it and it would be difficult. City Forester Mark Hendrickson • responded to Mr. Tarr's questions regarding buffering that he believed the B1 buffer to be insufficient for the existing use of the property to buffer the view to and from the golfers, and removal of exotics would make the buffer less. Mr. Hendrickson explained that the off -site brazilian pepper was getting old and had become woody and one could now see vehicle lights through it at night, and the agreement had been that landscaping would be planted on site if that ever happened. Mr. Hendrickson recommended planting on site rather than off site whenever possible, and indicated a vine could be planted on the fence. Mr. Ansay verified with the City Attorney that zoning did not allow a change in use of the sales center. Mr. Ansay commented they should present their case if that ever became a zoning issue. Mr. Ansay asked if the City was involved in the access problem, of residents not being able to access the site from within the development, to which Mr. Lindgren responded they would have to go around and access from PGA Boulevard. Mr. Present called for clarification regarding the sales facility and the golf maintenance facility, which was explained by Mr. Lindgren, who pointed out on the plans the locations and access to each building. Chair Solomon suggested review of the temporary access agreement by the City Attorney. Mr. Kunkle indicated he agreed with the residents that the sales center should remain exclusive for BallenIsles resales in the future and not be a general office. Mr. Kunkle pointed out a discrepancy between the plans and the schematic showing seagrapes 3' on the schematic and 5' on the plans and indicated 3' would be better, agreed with 8' spacing on center of arecas and allowing the foreground cocoplum hedge to grow 5' -6' tall, and agreed to 2' on center for the cocoplum. Mr. Kunkle indicated the members needed the maintenance area but the view was internal and he thought the club should do something about it. Mr. Skokowski clarified for Mr. Kunkle there was no view easement within existing documents, and Mr. Hendrickson pointed out the B1 buffer, • exotics that should be removed, and the PCD buffer. Mr. Hendrickson explained that the landscaping was inadequate to buffer the road and requested the areca / cocoplum combination be used in this location that was proposed for the other area. Setbacks and buffers from a future adjacent development were not 9 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 known. Mr. Kunkle indicated the upgrade seemed to be an internal aesthetic issue for the club. Mr. Kendall stated he felt staff had done a good job and he was in agreement with staff recommendations. Mr. Volante also expressed agreement with staff recommendations. Chair Solomon noted two members were present who were not sitting on the Board but would be allowed to comment because they had been in on this during prior meetings. Mr. Glidden asked if moving the building as discussed at the last meeting was proposed, to which the response was that it was not. Mr. Glidden commented there was one critical landscape area just to the north of the northeast corner of the building, and verified with Mr. Kunkle that the buffer would eliminate that view from the right -of -way. Mr. Glidden commented if the exotics were removed by DOT the view would not be buffered and asked if the landowner could be required to do something if that happened. Mr. Hendrickson indicated that staff recommendation was to plant a vine on the fence because of lack of space. Mr. Wu advised it was not prudent to guess what could be approved on a DOT right -of -way and discussion should be limited to property over which there was control. Mr. Glidden suggested requiring the developer to come back to do something when the buffer was removed. Mr. Channing noted the entrance at the bottom of the bridge was dangerous, that permanent access should be from the other direction, and commented some provision must be made for good landscaping along the turnpike because this was an entrance into the City. Mr. Hendrickson suggested raising the fence height to 10 or 12 feet to allow the vine go higher. Chair Solomon agreed with Mr. Charming regarding the entry being dangerous, and that there should be alternate permanent access to the maintenance site, which could be resolved by the different legal entities working together. Chair Solomon expressed his opinion that the sales center should be limited to a real estate office only and not opened up, and that the applicant had done a good job with the landscaping, but a few of the views could be beefed up, and agreed that making the fence higher would be better. Mr. Solomon indicated he had been in favor of tearing down the building, but the applicant did not propose that. Chair Solomon commented on petition PCD -00 -02 he agreed with staff conditions 1, 2, and 3 but 4 regarding replatting the PCD he thought it would be a waste of money to replat the whole PCD. Mr. Lindgren clarified condition 4 was to revise the boundary plat to incorporate the one parcel for the golf maintenance facility. Chair Solomon indicated on SP -01 -17 he agreed with condition 2. Mr. Lindgren noted the applicant had requested removal of the language on a temporary basis; Mr. Solomon did not agree with that removal. Mr. Tarr commented the City Attorney had indicated that was their only legal access and that access could not be prevented; he suggested leaving the language but adding until an acceptable access was available. In terms of use of the sales office as only for BallenIsles, Mr. Tarr envisioned a problem with a BallenIsles homeowner wanting to sell their home and purchase a home in Mirasol, and the broker not being able to help with the purchase of the Mirasol property. Mr. Lindgren indicated the building was over 7,000 square feet which could generate a lot of traffic. Mr. Tarr asked if the applicant had to do any of the proposed buffers, landscaping, access, etc. if they chose to withdraw this application. Mr. Lindgren commented a prior approval required replacement of the buffer along the existing PCD if the brazilian pepper was ever removed. Mr. Tarr commented that being the case he believed this was an internal issue and he felt it was wrong to require a landowner to • landscape someone else's property. Staff clarified that the applicant, the club, was being asked to landscape on their own land, and that MacArthur had voiced no concerns. E Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 Mr. Ansay made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition PCD -00 -02 with the following conditions: Conditions 1. Within 90 days of approval of this petition, the applicant, successors or assigns shall: a. Install the Buffer F plants along the B -1 Buffer fence all the way to the sales center. b. Extend the Buffer B -1 fence north along Buffer F, terminating at PGA Boulevard. C. Revise Buffer H to be an extension of Buffer D. d. Landscape the service road leading from the maintenance facility to the storage area to the satisfaction of the City Forester. 2. The current sales and information office shall only be used as a real estate office for the BallenIsles community, not as general office space. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide to the City a copy of the approved FDOT permit for improvements within the PGA Boulevard right -of -way. 0 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall re -plat the PCD. 5. The landscape plans shall be revised to plant seagrapes along PGA Boulevard at 3' on center, and the cocoplum interplanted with the arecas on the buffering hedges at 2' on center. 6. The applicant shall be required to plant a vine along the chain link fence and the height of the chain link fence shall be increased sufficient to cause the vine to screen the buildings to the east. Waivers 1. Minimum special front setback from PGA Boulevard — Section 78- 221(d)(4)a.l., which requires a minimum special front setback of 55 feet from PGA Boulevard to allow for as little as a 8 -foot front setback from PGA Boulevard. 2. Minimum landscape buffer adjacent to the Florida turnpike — Section 78- 319(a)(3), which requires at lest a 25 -foot landscape buffer for properties adjacent to the Florida Turnpike, to allow for 0 -foot landscape buffer on the site, adjacent to the Florida Turnpike. Mr. Volonte seconded the motion. During discussion of the motion, Mr. Tarr asked if the language in condition 2 was being left in regarding temporary access because he was not sure that was legal. Mr. Lindgren clarified that condition was on the site plan, not on this petition. Mr. Tarr asked if the applicant was going to be able to live with the conditions, since they had objected to some, or if this project would die. Mr. Skokowski responded they would make the same rel i Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 objections to the City Council since some of the conditions were physically impossible, and asked if the motion supported the staff recommendation regarding the sales and resales. Chair Solomon responded the motion supported the staff recommendation. Motion carried 5 -2 with Mr. Kunkle and Mr. Tarr opposed. Chair Solomon passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Kunkle. Chair Solomon made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition SP -01 -17 with the following conditions and waivers as submitted: Conditions 1. Prior to scheduling this petition for review by City Council, the applicant shall: a. Revise the site plan to include the cross - section details for the proposed on -site and off -site pavement. b. Revise the site, landscape, and drainage plans to show the proposed stop sign and stop bar, and reference the use of thermoplastic materials for the driveway connection to PGA Boulevard. 0 C. Revise the landscape plan to eliminate the conflict between landscaping and the drainage structure within the 55 -foot PGA Greenbelt Buffer. 2. The maintenance facility site shall be accessed from PGA Boulevard on a temporary basis until the site to the east of the maintenance facility petitions the City for development approval, at which time access to this site will be re- evaluated. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall plat the site. Waivers 1. Minimum front setback— Section 78 -1370 and Section 78 -141, which require a minimum front setback of 25 feet, to allow for as little as a 8 -foot front setback. 2. Minimum side facing a street setback — Section 78 -1370 and Section 78 -141, which require a minimum side facing a street setback of 20 feet, to allow for as little as a 12 -foot side facing a street setback. 3. Minimum foundation landscaping provided — Section 78 -320, which requires foundation landscaping for all nonresidential buildings, to allow for no foundation landscaping. Mr. Ansay seconded the motion. During discussion of the motion, Mr. Tarr questioned condition number two and asked the City Attorney if the word temporary were removed and replaced with until an acceptable alternative is available would be better since the way it was written it looked like it was requiring that access to be temporary and ended when the property to the east was developed. Mr. Lindgren commented he believed that could be avoided by striking on a temporary 7 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 basis as requested by the applicant, and when the property to the east was developed and brought in staff would try to work something out but nothing was set in stone. City Attorney Pineiro commented that either way, changing the language did not alter the legality of the access point; it was their one legal way in and out. Mr. Tarr questioned why leave in the word temporary. The City Attorney stated his opinion that leaving in the language on a temporary basis, the applicant was not giving up anything. Motion carried by 6 -1 vote with Mr. Tarr opposed because he believed the language should have been changed as he had indicated. Alternates Mr. Kendall and Mr. Volante stepped down and regular members Mr. Glidden and Mr. Channing were seated. Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Petition PUD -01 -09 A request by Steve Mathison, agent for James E Jacoby of the South Florida Blood Bank, for approval of a three phased mixed -use Planned Unit Development (PUD) for the Banyan Tree Parcels (12.04 and 12.05). The 12.64 -acre site is located on the northeast and northwest corners of Northlake Boulevard and MacArthur Boulevard. (18- 42S -43E) Growth Management Director Charles Wu explained that no workshop had been held but a public hearing was requested for this meeting because staff was trying to accommodate contractural obligations of the applicant, and that tonight's petition was for the west parcel. Planner John Lindgren reviewed the staff report. Mr. Channing questioned the height of the top portion of the building. Steve Mathison, agent for the applicant, presented highlights of the project, which would be the headquarters for this non - profit organization and would include a meeting room for civic organizations and property owners associations, etc., would bring 180 jobs to the City for highly technical positions, and that this first phase of the proposed three phase PUD would establish high standards for the entire PUD. Jeff Ornstein, Architect, described the building and floor plan. The 6' parapet would hide all mechanical equipment. The tower was set back approximately 25' from the building front, and approximate height from the barrel tile of the third floor to the eave of the tower was between 10 and 11 feet. Signage was requested on three sides of the tower using 16" letters. The applicant indicated they would be willing to make the western access an exit only heading west. Sample materials and a rendering of the building were displayed. The applicant indicated the drainage easement on the west side of the parcel would be culverted as suggested by the City Forester. Tom McCarthy, Civil Engineer, indicated there would be more storage capacity without culverting and leaving the open ditch. The applicant indicated they would prefer to landscape the area and avoid the cost of a culvert. Mr. Ornstein complimented staff on working with the applicant. Mr. Glidden commented the building was impressive • and he felt strongly that the signage should be as proposed by the applicant. Mr. Ornstein reported the Blood Bank operated mainly on donations and a donor, Countess de Hornly had made a 7- figure contribution contingent that the building be under construction by the end of the year; but she had now • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 agreed to as long as the project was through the process and into building permit by the end of the year she would provide the donation, which was the reason the project was being fast tracked. Mr. Mathison commented she also gave a lot of money to the community college. Mr. Glidden favored the signage as proposed by the applicant. Mr. Glidden requested the sidewalk connect to the project on the east. Mr. Glidden indicated he saw no harm leaving the west curb cut as both ingress and egress. Mr. Glidden indicated he had met with Mr. Ornstein previously to review the project. Mr. Glidden noted there were no 11 x 17 size roof plans or floor plans in the packets. Mr. Glidden commented the signage would look better on the top tower if the arches were dropped about 18" and requested the arches be trimmed exactly the way the precast trim was on the entry. Mr. Ornstein agreed. Mr. Glidden pointed out the ridge of the lower roof on the southeast corner building should die on the building or on the corner, which Mr. Ornstein explained had been corrected. Mr. Ornstein explained that the term keystone stucco referred to stucco that looked like keystone. Mr. Ornstein clarified that the mechanical equipment would be below the parapet wall and that the cooling tower had been eliminated. Mr. Channing commented that a building constructed next door to the east might block the signs, that he was happy to see this in the City, and that a good job had been done on the project. Chair Solomon declared the public hearing open. Robert Davis, 118 Orchid Cay Drive, asked for is numbers on all buildings being built, to which Mr. Lindgren responded there would be a number on the building and Mr. Ornstein commented the street number would be on the building sign. Hearing no further comments from the public, Chair Solomon declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Kunkle indicated he had met with Mr. Ornstein to review the project, stated it was a nice job, and stated he supported staff's position on waivers. Mr. Present questioned if the fuel pumps had been removed, which was verified. Mr. Present expressed his opinion the east and west signs were not needed, and stated his support for the staff recommendation on the waivers. Mr. Charming requested more information on the culvert issue, to which Mr. Lindgren responded it would be a lot more attractive if culverted. Discussion ensued. Mr. Ornstein commented flow came from both their property and from the bank. Mr. Hendrickson commented a sodded swale would be acceptable, with which Mr. Mathison agreed. Mr. Ansay commented the building was beautiful, that he would like the applicant to drop the two signs. Mr. Tarr commented the building was great, and questioned where the ground signs were located. Mr. Ornstein pointed out the sign locations. Mr. Tarr indicated he supported staff comments on the signs and if staff supported an exit only on the west ingress /egress he would support that also. Approximate distances between the ingress /egresses and to the west property line and the next ingress /egress were noted in response to Chair Solomon's questions. Pedestrian walkways from parking areas to the entrances were noted. Mr. Ornstein explained that the southwest one -story element was a meeting room for use by the public, that the entire second floor was a lab, that employee parking was in the rear and public parking was in front, and that the blood donors would learn where to park since they were the same people over and over. Mr. Solomon expressed his opinion that the west access • should remain both ingress and egress. Chair Solomon supported staff's limitation of one sign and requested lowering the arches be made a condition so that the sign could be a little larger. 0 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 Mr. Present made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition PUD -01 -09 with the following conditions and waivers: Conditions 1. Prior to scheduling this petition for review by City Council, the applicant shall: a. Make all necessary revisions, and submit all necessary material to satisfy all outstanding minor DRC comments. b. Revise the plans to show the ground sign along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard (in Parcel 12.04) is at least 50 feet from the non - right -of -way property line to the north. C. Revise the plans to indicate that the ditch on the western boundary of the site shall be modified to be a landscaped swale. d. Submit to the City a plan and cost estimate for the landscaping of the Northlake Boulevard right -of -way, adjacent to phase 1 that meets the requirements of the Northlake Boulevard Corridor Overlay Zoning District. e. Submit a photometric plan that meets the City's LDR requirements. f. Revise the plans to eliminate the western -most ingress /egress to the site. g. Revise the plans to eliminate the tenant wall signs on the east and west elevations of the building. (a) That the elevation of arches on roof tower be dropped at least 18" and simulated keystone stucco band be wrapped around all sides of the arch opening. (b) If only one wall sign is approved by City Council, the height of the capital letter can be up to 24" tall provided the arches are dropped down at least 24" with the trim added. 2. All lighting shall be metal haide. 3. Landscaping shall not conflict with lighting (including long term tree growth). 4. The rear door should be equipped with a peephole viewer. 5. All perimeter doors should be equipped with hinges that utilize non - removable hinge pins. 6. All strike areas of perimeter doors shall be equipped with reinforced, case hardened strike plate. 7. Glass perimeter doors shall be equipped with case hardened guard rings to protect the • mortise lock cylinder. 8. A timer clock or photocell sensor engaging lighting above or near entryways /exits shall be 10 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 provided. 9. The building shall have an alarm system. 10. Numerical addresses on site shall be illuminated for nighttime visibility, and shall have bi- directional visibility from the roadway. 11. The sidewalk along Northlake Boulevard for phases 2 and 3 of the PUD will continue the meandering path that has been established in phase 1. 12. The build -out date for this project is December 31, 2002, as referenced in the April 24, 2000 Traffic Impact Analyses prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. Waivers 1. Section 78 -285 of the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) and Section 5 -6 of the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning (NBOZ) District Design Guidelines that limit the number of ground signs to three (3) for 2,101 linear feet of public road right -of -way • frontage, to allow for an additional (or fourth), ground sign on the site. 2. Section 6 -2 of the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning (NBOZ) District that limits the height of a building to 55 feet, to permit a building height of 58 feet. 3. Section 5 -6 of the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning (NBOZ) District that requires a flat wall sign to be located at the first floor level, to allow for one (1) flat wall sign immediately below the fourth floor roof line. 4. Section 78- 508(b) of the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) that requires a 150 - foot minimum distance between a proposed and an existing intersection, to allow for a separation of approximately 110 feet. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ansay. Motion carried by 6 -1 vote. Mr. Tarr clarified that he was opposed only to the elimination of the second ingress /egress. Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Petition PCD- 00 -04: Gables at Northlake Planned Community District A request by Henry Skokowski of Urban Design Studio, agent for Gables East Construction, Inc., and Northlake Boulevard, L.L.C., to rezone the subject site from a Planned Development Area (PDA) to • Planned Community District (PCD) in order to construct 200 single-family units, 450 multi family units, and 146 Assisted Living Facility units. The 240.65 -acre site is located on the west side of the Florida Turnpike, between Northlake Boulevard and Beeline Highway. (22- 42S -42E) 11 • Plannin g g & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 Planner Kara Irwin reviewed the staff report. Henry Skokowski, agent for the petitioner, commented on the condition requiring a topographic survey that there had been resolution on that submittal. Mr. Skokowski commented on condition (d) requiring providing landscape plans for Northlake Boulevard medians that the petitioner had no problem with that so long as it was clear on the record that it would be in accordance with the amount of landscaping agreed to during this presentation. In condition 4 regarding the timing of the landscaping Mr. Skokowski requested addition of language as per the approved plans. Mr. Skokowski reported the petitioner had submitted landscape plans for the medians across the entire Northlake Boulevard frontage, but requested the applicant not be required to landscape more than the next 200 feet following the concrete median just past the Ryder Cup entry. Mr. Skokowski explained the petitioner had assured residents of PGA National they would not support the extension of Jog Road, and therefore hated to be in a position of appearing to fund landscaping for Jog Road. Mr. Skokowski verified that the petitioner did not intend to build an entry feature off Jog Road and requested that be deleted from the conditions of approval. Mr. Skokowski indicated petitioner would work with staff regarding irrigation for medians and hoped to establish existing native material that would not require irrigation. Mr. Skokowski indicated the applicant was willing to increase littorals in the lake more than 25% and would work with staff regarding that item. Mr. Skokowski explained the easement conditions along the canal. Chair Solomon declared the public hearing open. Joan Elias, President of CAN at PGA National confirmed that the petitioner had worked with and met with CAN and the POA several times, but stated that any mention of doing anything connected to the possibility of extension of Jog Road they strongly opposed. Hearing no further comments from the public, Chair Solomon declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Tarr questioned three story versus two story buildings, to which Planner Irwin responded that the petitioner had provided more than adequate buffers from the roadway and they met all density requirements. Mr. Tarr expressed his opinion that the applicant should be responsible to landscape the adjacent roadway full length, that he agreed with the comment regarding Jog Road; however, if it did not get built and the petitioner owned the land on both sides, who would do the landscaping. Mr. Present commented landscaping at the curb cut would balance off the intersection and he agreed with staff on placing littorals in the lake. Mr. Kunkle agreed with Mr. Present regarding Northlake Boulevard landscaping, and stated he was okay with the 10' easement. Mr. Kunkle commented 10' on center might be too close together for the royal palms and recommended 15'. Mr. Channing indicated it was his understanding that one could privately maintain a lake and asked why the City was insisting on a 20' easement on one side if the petitioner wanted to privately maintain the lake. Planner Irwin clarified the 20' easement was along the canal to the east, and that there was a drainage easement through the canal, • which was used for conveyance. Mr. Skokowski clarified for Mr. Channing that FDOT owned property to the south which was part of the turnpike interchange site and drained through this property but it was private property and would be privately maintained and would remain private property and would not 12 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 become the responsibility of the City or any other public entity. Planner Irwin indicated the City was concerned because the City's equipment required 20'. The City Attorney indicated he was in agreement with the engineering report included in the staff report. Mr. Charming indicated all developers had to be responsible for all rights of ways surrounding their properties and the fact that the developer chose to only develop a portion of the site should not make a difference. Mr. Glidden was advised of the Northlake Boulevard landscaping proposed by Mr. Present to extend the landscaping to the median cut rather than only 200' out as proposed by the applicant. Mr. Glidden asked Mr. Skokowski which staff requirements would be most difficult for the petitioner to satisfy, to which Mr. Skokowski responded the biggest issue was the requirement for a 20' easement, and everything else was resolvable. Mr. Skokowski advised the traffic analysis continued to be that this development would not generate sufficient traffic to warrant a traffic signal on Northlake Boulevard. Mr. Glidden suggested the possibility of an acceleration lane and requested engineering to research whether that would help the traffic flow. Chair Solomon indicated he was okay with the canal and the lake easements, especially since the applicant was going to do the maintenance. Chair Solomon agreed with staff that more littorals were needed in the lake; Mr. Skokowski agreed to work with staff regarding the amount; Planner Irwin commented staff would like 50% of the 50% requirement. Chair Solomon asked if the turnpike interchange would impact the use of parcel B. Mr. Skokowski indicated that the longer it took for a decision on whether Jog Road would be built the stronger the possibility became that the applicant would convert parcel B to estate home lots. Chair Solomon agreed that Mr. Present's suggested compromise on the Northlake median plantings was a good solution in this case. Chair Solomon questioned the applicant's responsibility to obtain a warrant study for a traffic signal. Mr. Skokowski indicated that as recently as 60 -90 days ago the petitioner had obtained an opinion from Joe Pollock that a signal would not be warranted, and would obtain a statement from Mr. Pollock. Mr. Ansay felt landscaping should be done in the median along Beeline Highway and the area along Northlake which was in a natural state could be left. Mr. Ansay felt strongly funding for Jog Road landscaping should be in place. Mr. Tarr commented this Board had recently required roadway landscaping of another project that was located on the other side of railroad tracks and he was not sure why the Commission would compromise on the Northlake Boulevard median landscaping. Mr. Tarr recommended keeping Mr. Present's idea for the first level of occupancy but to require completion to Beeline at a second level of occupancy. Planner Irwin noted the City did have reduced lake maintenance easements on some other projects and the smallest was 15' at La Posada. Mr. Ansay made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition PCD -00 -04 with the following conditions and waivers: 1. Prior to scheduling for City Council, the applicant shall: a) Provide the City with an updated topographic survey certified by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Florida. b) Revise the plans to provide consistency between the canal width shown on the Master Plan and the Section D -D of the Landscape Buffer. C) Revise the littoral zone planting details to meet the code; and 13 • Plannin g g & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 d) Provide landscape plans for the Northlake Boulevard medians. 2. Prior to construction plan approval, the applicant shall: a) Provide the City with a plan providing an eastbound right -turn lane onto the project access driveway on Northlake Boulevard; and b) Provide the City with a plan providing a westbound left -turn lane onto the project access driveway on Northlake Boulevard. 3. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall provide recorded documentation abandoning the existing drainage easement and recording the proposed drainage easement. 4. Prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall: a) Landscape the Northlake Boulevard right -of -way medians adjacent to the property. b) Bond the landscape improvements for Jog Road based on the City's Master Roadway Beautification Plan. c) Install the entry features off of Northlake Boulevard, Jog Road, and the internal PCD system around the lake shall be installed; and d) Install the PCD buffers. 5. Prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall remove all exotics from the upland preserve areas. 6. The applicant, successors, and assigns shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Northlake Boulevard and Jog Road landscaping and irrigation once installed. 7. There shall be a minimum of 50% littoral plantings. 8. Applicant shall provide a 20' maintenance easement along the canal. 9. Landscaped medians shall extend the full length of the property along Northlake Boulevard. Waivers 1. Section 78 -141— Building Height, to allow for a maximum 45 -foot building height. The Land Development Regulations allows a maximum of 36 feet in height. • Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Glidden made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of PCD -00 -04 with the 14 i Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 following changes to the above - stated motion: Landscape the first median section on Northlake Boulevard west of the Jog Road extension Allow a 15' maintenance easement on the canal. Mr. Kunkle seconded. During discussion of the motion, Mr. Tarr requested clarification of the landscaping. Mr. Glidden modified the landscaping shall be to the first median section on Northlake Boulevard west of the Jog Road extension with the balance of the median in question to be at least sodded. Mr. Channing felt it was important that the landscaping treatment in the median extend the full length of the property and stated he would consider a 15' easement here only because it was a private body of water; otherwise he would not even want to consider that. Motion carried 4 -3. Mr. Tarr, Mr. Ansay, and Mr. Channing opposed the motion. Mr. Tarr was opposed because he believed the applicant should be required to landscape all the way to the western edge of their property line. Mr. Ansay commented he believed the applicant should be required to landscape all the way to the property line on Beeline Highway and that the easement should be 20'. Mr. Channing commented the City had a policy that was waived every time it came is up. Mr. Skokowski clarified that Beeline Highway extended approximately 1/z mile farther than their property, and verified with Mr. Ansay that his intent was to state to the end of their property. Mr. Wu asked since it was 10:15 p.m. if the people who were waiting outside should continue to wait. The Commission decided to hear one more petition and to hear the rest at a special meeting to be held the next Tuesday. Recommendation to City Council Petition SP- 01025: Frenchman's Reserve Clubhouse A request by Bob Bentz of Land Design South, on behalf of Toll Brothers International /Binks Estates Ltd., to approve a site plan for a 56,000 square foot clubhouse facility located on approximately 14.17 acres within the Frenchman's Reserve Planned Community District (PCD) located on the east side of the intersection of Alternate AIA and Hood Road. Senior Planner Edward Tombari presented the project. Bob Bentz, agent for the applicant, described the site plan. John Olson, Architect with Peacock and Lewis, provided an overview of the architecture for the entire project and described proposed materials to be used in a Mediterranean theme. Very upscale materials were to be used in the project. The color palette was presented. Mr. Glidden made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for Petition SP -01 -25 with the following conditions and waiver: MI Plannin g g & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 Conditions 1. The owner, successor and assigns of the Recreation Center parcel shall only utilize the guest suites located within the Clubhouse building for the lodging of resident - members and their guests only. 2. The applicant shall remove the Phase 1 modular units prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the tennis and fitness (Phase 2) building. Waiver 1. Section 78 -144 to allow for a maximum height 59 feet on site, the maximum height permitted in Public /Institutional zoning districts is 45 feet. Mr. Ansay seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous 7 -0 vote. OLD BUSINESS • Mr. Glidden commented that 11x17 plans and colored renderings in packages would be helpful. C Chair Solomon requested that staff be more realistic when scheduling agenda items. Mr. Wu commented that item 7 could not be heard next week since Mr. Tombari was on vacation. Mr. Solomon advised staff to contact the applicant, and to think about not putting too many items on the agenda. Alternatives would be longer meetings or more frequent meetings, and Mr. Solomon indicated he preferred meeting twice a month with special meetings once in awhile. Mr. Glidden suggested a consent agenda concept for items such as the last project or skipping the presentation and only giving the Commission the hot issues. Chair Solomon commented that item 2 on BallenIsles had been a real strain and was time consuming. Mr. Ansay commented that staff could have told them they did not have the zoning, which might have stopped it. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Channing complimented Kara Irwin and stated he had been impressed with her performance. 16 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes October 23, 2001 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held November 13, 2001. APPROVED: Dennis Solomon, air Craig Kunkle, Jr., Vice Chair John den Steven a r Dick Ansay Alternate Er 6 Volonte Alternate David Kendall i- Bbtty Laur, 6ecretary for the Meeting 17