HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes P&Z 072401i • CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ,July 24, 2001 MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, was called to order by Chair Dennis Solomon at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 10500 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON There were no items by the City Council Liaison. REPORT BY GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Growth Management Director Charles Wu reported that the City Council had not met since the last Planning and Zoning Commission meeting because they did not have a quorum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Channing made a motion to approve the June 26, 2001 meeting minutes as submitted. Mr. Kunkle seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous 7 -0 vote. Mr. Kunkle made a motion to approve the July 10, 2001 meeting minutes as submitted. Mr. Channing seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous 7 -0 vote. ROLL CALL Betty Laur, Secretary for the meeting, called the roll for the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Local Planning Agency: Present Absent Dennis Solomon, Chairman Dick Ansay Craig Kunkle, Jr., Vice Chairman Barry Present, Chairman Pro Tern - arrived at 6:36 p.m. Joel Channing John Glidden Steven Tarr • Alternate Ernest Volonte Alternate David Kendall Also present were Growth Management Director Charles Wu, Senior Planner Talal Benothman, City Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 Attorney Len Rubin, and Principal Planner Steve Cramer. For the first public hearing, both alternates were seated since Mr. Ansay was not present and Mr. Present had not yet arrived. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Petition PUD00 -10: Properly Rezoning and PUD Master Plan for FPL Ryder Substation Marty Minor of Urban Design Studio, agent forFPL, is requesting a property rezoning from Planned Development Area to Conservation, with a Planned Unit Development Overlay, and approval of a Planned Unit development masterplan for a minor electrical sub - station facility immediately west of Mirasol along the north side of PGA Boulevard, approximately two miles west of the Florida Turnpike. The gross acreage of the subject parcel is approximately nine acres. Growth Management Director Charles Wu introduced the project. Senior Planner Talal Benothman reviewed the staff report. Chair Solomon announced that a letter of objection had been received from Marlwood Property Owners Association, which has been attached to and made a part of these minutes as Exhibit "A ". Attorney Raymond Royce, agent for the petitioner, introduced Daniel Wright, Professional Engineer, and Henry Skokowski, Professional Planner, present on behalf of the petitioner. Attorney Royce advised it was the policy of FP &L to always have a court reporter present for public hearings, and there was a court reporter present tonight. Attorney Royce requested the following items in the possession of the City be made a part of the record of these proceedings: The application and all amendments, supplemental materials supplied by the applicant; computer disk containing staff presentation, applicant's power point presentation, written staff report dated July 11, 2001 recommending approval of the project. City Attorney Rubin indicated no problem with that; Chair Solomon stated those items would be a part of the record Attorney Royce spoke on behalf of the applicant and explained that all existing substations in the area were at or near capacity or had certain planned areas, and it was important because of the City's growth and increased electrical load that this substation be approved to serve the area north of PGA Boulevard and the growing needs within the PGA National community and relieve the load on the Monet substation which was reaching its capacity because of growth in its area. Dan Heronek, Engineer with FP &L, provided engineering details, including how the power was transferred from the generating plant to the customer, and described the site, which was the only available site in the load area which met all the required criteria. Mr. Heronek pointed out that the load growth was a function of both the new growth and needs of the existing population. Mr. Glidden asked if the compound area was a standard configuration; the engineer responded that the area inside the fence was a standard configuration, and this had been the only property available along PGA Boulevard, and no property had been available along Hood Road. In response to Chair Solomon's question regarding a possible site on the other side of the C -18 canal, the engineer indicated the property owner was John RA Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 Bills and that property was not available at the time this property was placed under contract. The engineer indicated all conditions of approval as noted in the staff report were acceptable. Mr. Heronek indicated the tallest structure was 20' above grade, that the substation would be sized and constructed to accommodate full buildout later, and that there would be no additional height later. Fencing material was described as Thigh chain link with barb wire at the top. Chair Solomon suggested moving the entire facility farther north on the site. It was pointed out that there was less landscaping in one area because of overhead wires. Construction time was estimated at 7 -8 months. Chair Solomon questioned whether nearby property owners would experience TV interference, to which the engineer responded there had been very limited experience with interference. Chair Solomon questioned the appearance; the engineer indicated this substation would look like the one on Donald Ross Road. Attorney Royce noted the substation on Donald Ross Road was heavily landscaped. Mr. Skokowski presented an illustrative site plan, described site plan access, the large right -of -way to the C -18 canal, the connection to existing transmission lines, the clear zone in landscaping because of overhead lines, and explained that the facility had not yet been finally engineered and that placement on the property was not yet finalized. Mr. Skokowski offered to reduce the clear zone from 100' to 60'. Mr. Skokowski presented a landscape buffer cross section showing that the facility would be totally screened in a' few years. Mr. Channing left at this point in the meeting and Mr. Present was seated in his place. • Photos were presented showing how landscaping screened nearby homes, and the substation on Donald Ross Road which was so heavily landscaped most passers by did not know it was there. Mr. Skokowski explained that the pole would be visible above the landscaping as it was at the Donald Ross Road location, where only two poles were really visible. Mr. Skokowski noted open space was 80 %, land use was conservation and required to be rezoned to planned unit development overlay. The site must comply with parkway requirements and the PGA Boulevard overlay corridor. Permitted uses included community serving public facilities, which would apply to this facility, and this was a permitted use in all zoning districts of the City. The facility would be checked twice a week, which would be the extent of traffic to the site. The elevation of the site was discussed. Mr. Skokowski indicated the elevation was required to be at or above the requirement for a 100 -year 3 -day storm, and there was no intent to build higher than the requirement. Mr. Glidden discussed the views of the site from the nearby homes. Mr. Glidden suggested relocating the scattered trees in the northeast corner of the site to be placed on the south side for better screening, to which Mr. Skokowski agreed. Mr. Present indicated he could not see a reason for placing a substation much farther west, and the service area did not go as far west as indicated. Mr. Present commented there were substations all over and nothing was heard about electromagnetic concerns. Mr. Heronek indicated there were no plans to modernize the Monet station since it would require taking customers off line for a long time and was therefore not practical, but components of Monet would be modernized as the new plant became able to take over some of the load. The engineer explained that this station was 600" or farther from the nearest houses and electromagnetic fields were indistinguishable at that distance. Mr. Tarr indicated he had visited the Donald Ross Road . substation and this design was better since the station would not be seen, but suggested moving it 200- 300' west. Mr. Skokowski explained there was a required turning radius. Mr. Volonte suggested 3 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 placing the poles on the east side; the engineer explained they had been placed to keep high voltage as far as possible from homes. Mr. Kunkle commented the lack of visibility of the Donald Ross Road substation had set the standard for future substations , and requested consistent density on the front and the north side. Mr. Kunkle noted that different plant materials could work with the height requirement in the 60' clear zone. Mr: Kunkle recommended installation planting heights beginning at 14' and staggered down to create density which would accomplish the look as on Donald Ross Road from day one. Mr. Skokowski agreed to shift plant materials on the site plan to achieve Mr. Kunkle's recommendation. Chair Solomon declared the public hearing open. Hearing no comments from the public, Chair Solomon declared the public hearing closed. Chair Solomon verified with applicant there was no problem changing the clear zone to 60', and suggested a condition limiting the height of structures to no more than 25'. The engineer indicated he would verify the elevation requirement for the 100 -year storm. Chair Solomon questioned if the building could be shifted a little to the west by transferring some of the dry retention area, and requested the building be moved west to the extent it could be moved without moving it south. The engineer explained it might not be possible to keep the orientation of the turn radius without moving south. Mr. Kunkle noted the oak trees should start at 14' -16' height, with 14' the minimum height to work down from on the landscape density. Mr. Glidden requested the pad be no higher than the required elevation for a 100 -year 3 -day storm, and that staff conditions include that the pad be no higher than the required elevation imposed by reviewing agencies. Mr. Kunkle made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition PUD -00 -10 with the following conditions and waivers: Conditions: 1. Prior to construction plan approval, the petitioner shall demonstrate that all building structures on site shall be pre -wired for alarm system. 2. The petitioner shall install and maintain all landscape and hardscape areas within the Parkway easement buffer. 3. Prior to commencement of construction activities on site, the petitioner shall remove all exotic vegetation and restore those areas with native vegetation, including the area north of the C -18 canal. 4. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the petitioner shall add a note to the • construction plans specifying the stop bar shall be constructed utilizing Thermoplastic material. 0 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 5. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the petitioner shall add a detail to the construction plans detailing the overall width, striping, and signage for the pedestrian crosswalk, for review and approval by the City Engineer. 6. Prior to construction plan approval, the petitioner shall eliminate the conflict between the drainage pipe and the landscape berm east of the proposed roadway. The landscape and the conceptual plans shall be revised accordingly. 7. Prior to construction plan approval, the petitioner shall eliminate the conflict between the Palm Beach County Access and Management Easement and the landscape berm shown on the site and landscape plans. Both plans shall be revised accordingly. 8. Pad elevation shall be no higher than the required elevation for a 100 -year 3 -day storm as imposed by reviewing agencies. 9. Landscape buffer shall consist of oak trees installed at 14' -16' heights and landscape materials shall be staggered down from the minimum 14' height to create density. Scattered trees in the northeast corner of the site shall be relocated on the south side for better screening, 10. Clear zone shall be modified to 60'. Waivers: 1. A waiver from Section 106, Parkway Overlay District, to allow for a reduction of the parkway buffer. The minimum required buffer is 240 feet. The applicant proposes a buffer between 120 to 300 feet The requested waiver is for 120 feet. 2. A waiver from Section 78, Civic and Institutional Zoning District Regulations, to allow for a reduction in the minimum size threshold of twenty (20) acres. The applicant proposes a site size of nine (9) acres. The waiver is requested for eleven (11) acres. Mr. Present seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous 7 -0 vote. Recommendation to City Council Petition MISC- 01 -15: Sign Program for Parcels 27.05 and 27.06 Ryan B. ,Johnston, on behalf of Catalfumo Construction and Development, Inc, is requesting approval of a sign program forParcel27.05 /06, which is located within the Regional CenterDRI on the north side of PGA Boulevard, west of Meadows Mobile Home Park. The approximate acreage 5 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 of the site is 16 acres. Senior Planner Talal Benothman reviewed the staff report, with focus on the sign requests with which staff did not agree. Ryan Johnston, agent for the applicant, explained that the project was located just east of Kew Gardens Avenue in the Regional Center DRI and displayed each building with the requested signage. Mr. Johnston described a new type of lettering just on the market called black and white technology, in which the lettering appeared black in the daytime and was lit and white at night. The lettering was demonstrated by Kenneth Blair of Catalfumo Construction. The lettering would be placed directly on the building face. Mr. Johnston reviewed the requested waivers to which staff objected. Mr. Blair explained that the 36" lettering requested instead of 24" looked better at the top portico areas. Mr. Blair offered to move the sign to the other end of the office building so it would not be visible from PGA Boulevard; Mr. Benothman indicated if that were done staff would have no objection. Mr. Glidden commented the graphics were well done and the quantity of signs was not unreasonable. Mr. Glidden expressed his opinion that a cap was needed for maximum space and then the applicant could be given enough signage to identify tenants. Mr. Glidden noted the lettering size shown on the plans did not relate correctly to the area on which it could be attached; that the maximum area needed to be identified; • and that truth in signage was needed. Mr. Blair assured the Board there had been no intent of deception, but the code had been followed . Mr. Glidden indicated this pointed out that the code did not work. Chair Solomon suggested that the sign ordinance needed to be revisited. Discussion ensued. Mr. Glidden suggested the 36" letters be sized down and possibly limited to no more than 20% of the area on which they were shown. Mr. Tarr indicated he did not feel it was the Board's position to start picking different sizes, but that they should follow the existing sign code. The City Attorney advised the Board had some flexibility in this case because waivers were requested. Mr. Glidden commented there was give and take allowed in a PUD and it was the job of the Board to assure the signage looked good. Mr. Tarr commented signage along PGA Boulevard needed to be held to a higher standard and he favored the waivers except for the ones facing PGA Boulevard. Boardmember Kendall indicated he did not know how 20% would apply to what was shown, that he agreed with staff on the waivers, and that no one was going to get lost. Mr. Kunkle indicated the waivers did not bother him, that people'needed to find locations easily, and that graphics presented in the future should note the available signage area. Mr. Present commented that signage proportion was very good within the City, that Catalfumo wanted good signs, and that the tenants would probably want bigger signs and the muscle should be with the end user. Mr. Glidden suggested this could be passed on to City Council with a request for additional graphics if the petitioner wanted to ask for a larger signage area, and suggested 25% of the graphic illustrated or code, whichever is less, or if the petitioner wanted more to let City Council decide. Chair Solomon stated it bothered him not to see the final product, but names of the tenants were not yet known. Chair Solomon indicated he agreed with Mr. Glidden but on retail building one he saw no need to have letters more than 24 ". On office building #2, west elevation, the applicant agreed to move the sign to the north side, with which the Board agreed. Mr. Glidden favored 30' letters on the west elevation top sign, indicating the letters were drawn at 24" but 36" letters were being requested and 36" 7C • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 letters did not specifically fit. Mr. Blair indicated he preferred to go on to City Council with the Board's comments because of time constraints and that he was willing on the retail building to swap out the tenant sign on the south side and the building sign on the north side which would eliminate that waiver. This would leave only the waiver on the west side of the building. Mr. Solomon indicated he was not in favor of that waiver. Mr. Glidden indicated the Board could either require the applicant to come back to demonstrate the percentage needed or the Board could go with a percentage which they considered about right, such as 25 %, and agree on the other waivers, and move along to City Council with the expressed statement that anything that deviated from what was laid out must be approved by City Council. Mr. Blair agreed but indicated applicant would review the signs and if the letters covered more than 25% of the space they would let staff know and would discuss it with City Council. Mr. Glidden indicated the applicant would need to provide a proper graphic for City Council; Mr. Blair indicated he understood. Mr. Glidden made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition MISC -01 -05 as submitted including all of the waivers requested with the following exceptions: 1. That the size of the maximum letter size on the main building sign on the center tower on the south elevation of the retail one building be limited to 32 ". (Sheet A -2) i2. The letters on the center tower (Sheet A -4) of the office tower shall be limited to 32 ", and the tenant identification sign be moved to the far left section of the tower. 3. All maximum sign areas as listed on the schedule and /or the drawings shall be limited to 125%, not to exceed the maximum allowed by code, of the graphic area shown on the exterior elevations, with the provision that if the petitioner wishes to request more than 125% at City Council level that they provide an accurate scaled graphic depicting the true signage area so it can be fully evaluated. Mr. Volonte seconded the motion. Chair Solomon passed the gavel, indicated he was not in favor of too many signs that were not necessary, and proposed the following amendment to the motion: To reject the sign on the west side of the retail one building. Mr. Glidden indicated he did not accept the amendment. The vote on the motion was 5 -2 with Mr. Solomon and Mr. Tarr opposed. Mr. Tarr stated his objection was the same as Mr. Solomon's - that there were too many signs on the retail one building and the sign on the west should be deleted. Mr. Present complimented the applicant on their graphics which helped explain this very complicated request. 7 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY Public Hearing and Recommendation to City Council Petition TXT- 01 -03: Text Amendments to the City of Palm Beach Gardens Comprehensive Plan to Establish Countywide Concurrence Procedures for Public Schools Staff requests approval of proposed text amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, in order to comply with an Interlocal Agreement with the School District and Palm Beach County. The agreement requires the adoption of a Public Schools Facilities Element into the City's Comprehensive Plan as well as incorporating objectives and policies into the Capital Improvement Element to formally establish countywide concurrency procedures for public schools. Growth Management Director Charles Wu introduced the project and Senior Planner Talal Benothman indicated that this was one of the obligations under the agreement, that no new information had been learned since the last presentation, and that staff recommended approval. Chair Solomon declared the public hearing open. Hearing no comments form the public, Chair Solomon declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Kunkle made a motion to approve Petition TXT -01 -03 as submitted. Mr. Volante seconded • the motion, which carried by unanimous 7 -0 vote. OLD BUSINESS Chair Solomon announced an orientation workshop to be held August 22 at 6:30 pm. Growth Management Director Wu indicated this workshop would be videotaped for use in educating new members. Mr. Wu requested resumes from those Commission members who had not provided them. Mr. Glidden provided an update on the design guidelines workshop and reported the Committee had determined the guidelines would apply City -wide. The Committee had discussed how the application would fit with other types of buildings, including industrial warehouses, small retail, industrial, etc., and that this would raise the standard. The Committee had reviewed approximately 3/4 of the general code provisions. Mr. Wu explained that the procedure would be that the Committee would make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Commission would then make a recommendation to the City. Mr. Solomon indicated applicants would have a clear idea of what the City was looking for and could get through the system faster, but creativity should not be stifled. Mr. Glidden commented that it was important to parallel this with a process to handle unanticipated items so they could be handled quickly without the applicant having to spend a lot of money on design work, for which Mr. Solomon suggested waivers and Mr. Glidden suggested concept review. Mr. Wu reported four Committee members had been present, along with Councilman Sabatello. NEW BUSINESS 0 There was no new business to come before the Board. 0 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes July 24, 2001 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Auizust 14, 2001. APPROVED: � �X x� 61 (a a4 2� 0 Betty Laur, Secretary for the Meeting M