HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes P&Z 020601• CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS PLANNING AND ZONING CO_M_M_i_ SSION February 6, 2001 SPECIAL MEETING NUNUTES A Special Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Patin Beach Gardens, Florida, was called to order by Vice Chair Dennis Solomon at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 10500 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ANNOUNCFAIENTS Interim Growth Management Director Steve Cramer introduced a new Planner, Kara Irwin. APPROVAL OF NEE UTES Mr. Volante moved approval of the January 23, 2001 meeting minutes as submitted. Mr. Present seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous 5 -0 vote. • LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS COM UTTEE The roll was called by Julie Schettenhelm, Secretary for the meeting. Present Absent John Glidden, Chair - arrived at 6:35 p.m. Craig Kunkle, Jr., Chair Pro Tern Dennis Solomon, Chair Elect Joel Charming Barry Present David Kendall Dick Ansay Steve Tarr Ernest Volante Also present were Senior Planners Talal Benothman and Edward Tombari, Principal Planners Steve Cramer and Karen Craver, Planner Kara Irwin, and City Attorney Len Rubin. Workshop Petition TXT -00 04: Amendment to Land Development Regulaiions to AdoptArchitectural Design Guidelines A request by City staff to amend the City's land development regulations to include architectural design guidelines for new non - residential development and redevelopment. . Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 Principal Planner Steve Cramer introduced Consultant David Kutner with Gladding Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez and Rhinehart, Inc., who discussed the principles implicit in the design guidelines for non- residential development, and indicated that the draft design guidelines presented specifically responded to each ofthe principles. Principal Planner Cramer advised that public comments had been received that were not incorporated into the draft, but would be included in the next draft. Mr. Tarr commented this was a great idea but he did not believe it would work for the City because much of the non - residential was built out and the streets were not designed to have a sidewalk, a building, parking in the back, and a downtown, but were designed for destination centers. Mr. Tarr indicated he believed the guidelines would be ideal if the slate could be wiped clean and the City design could start over. Mr. Cramer indicated the idea of the design guidelines had been conceived when the City was considering a City Center in the Regional Center, and it was hoped the guidelines could be incorporated into new roadways and mixed uses in the area from RCA Boulevard to Cabana Colony and from Prosperity Farms Road to Military Trail primarily; and also in some other developments such as The Commons. Mr. Cramer indicated these guidelines were intended to be minimum requirements. Mr. Tarr commented that PGA Boulevard was a highway and he did not believe pedestrians would walk from Prosperity Farms Road to Military Trail along PGA Boulevard to shop, to which Mr. Cramer responded that the intent was to have side streets off of PGA Boulevard which would be like main streets where the guidelines could be applied, such as in Legacy Place. Vice Chair Solomon requested and received clarification from Mr. Kutner that the guidelines would be something that applicants could look at to get an idea of what the • City was looking for regardless of how big or how; small their project, which could be only one isolated building. Vice Chair Solomon commented these would be requirements and that some would be waiverable. Mr. Kutner clarified that his firm had worked on these guidelines for over a year and was currently working with several other communities to develop design guidelines, including Miramar, North Miami Beach, the City of West Palm Beach for guidelines for South Dixie Highway, and would be doing work in the Orlando area. Mr. Kutner indicated that although the palette had already been set in the City, it continued to evolve and new opportunities would present themselves in which the guidelines could be used for better development. Mr. Solomon questioned whether trademark colors would be allowed, which Mr. Kutner indicated could be negotiated, and that the color standards had been selected as a base for a starting point. Mr. Kutner encouraged the community not to allow two -story buildings where the second story was a facade. It was noted that the guidelines applied to redevelopment as well as new development. Vice Chair Solomon expressed his opinion that another workshop should be held after the public comments had been incorporated. Chair Glidden, who had arrived at the meeting, indicated he had mixed feelings about the guidelines, which fostered repetitive looking buildings, and suggested this review include using some existing buildings to see how the guidelines would affect them. Chair Glidden expressed his opinion that this would completely change the way the Commission did business and although there were some very good things about the idea there were also some scary things about it. Staff indicated that comparison of existing buildings was not in the scope of work for the consultant, to which Mr. Glidden responded perhaps the scope should be increased to include this exercise. A middle range project that was familiar was suggested as an example for evaluation. Chair Glidden suggested use of a graphic to describe transitioning of a 5 -story building down to a 3 -story; . asked where pitched or sloped roof materials were described; asked that articulated facades be defined 2 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 better, indicated that the guideline restricting stories at sidewalk level was too restrictive; disagreed that identical buildings should not be allowed and recommended that language should be included so that identical buildings could be mirrored or juxtaposed. Chair Glidden expressed his opinion that 3 feet for vertical articulation was too much and 4 feet for horizontal articulation was not enough, and that quantity and the length of the building must be considered. Chair Glidden expressed thanks for the item on screening mechanical equipment. Chair Glidden expressed agreement with the item regarding gutters and downspouts. Mr. Glidden invited looking at Legacy Place for screening of service areas, and noted there was a law that allowed small satellite dishes to go anywhere. The item which required mansard roofs to wrap all the way around buildings was considered too broad a statement by Chair Glidden, who suggested language with varied treatments. Chair Glidden noted that shopping centers and strip centers could not be constructed under these guidelines. Mr. Glidden expressed his opinion that the guidelines should not be rushed into. Staff indicated that the, next meeting would be another workshop. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION The roll was called by Julie Schettenhehn , Secretary for the meeting. Present Absent • John Glidden, Chair Craig Kunkle, Jr., Chair Pro Tem. Dennis Solomon, Chair Elect Joel Channing Barry Present David Kendall Dick Ansay Steve Tarr Ernest Volante Recommendation to City Council Petition MISC -00.22: Ballenlsles Parcel 28 Administrative Building Urban Design Studio, agent for Darter Development Company, is proposing an amendment to a Site Plan within a Planned Community Development (PCD), providing for a minor amendment to allow for the existing Administrative Building to remain, under the operation of the Ballenlsles HomeownersAssociation. The applicant is proposing no new construction. The site is located within the Ballenlsles Planned Community Development, which is bounded by PGA Boulevard to the north, Northlake Boulevard to the south, the Florida Turnpike to the wes4 and Afilitary Trail to the east .01-42S-32E) Senior Planner Ed Tombari reviewed the staff report, and explained that the applicant wished to delete condition 2, and that staff recommended approval with the condition that the site plan and the landscape plan which had been submitted be the site plan and landscape plan of record. Hank Skokowski, Urban • Design Studio, agent for the petitioner, spoke on behalf ofthe petitioner. John Tiffany from Ballenlsles 3 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 explained that the equity members of the golf club owned the budding in question and wanted to house their Homeowners Association in it when the developer left. Mr. Solomon did not think it was proper that the building be allowed to stay since the original purchasers had been told it would not stay, and expressed his opinion that it looked out ofplace, and expressed doubt that 80+% of the equity owners were in favor ofkeeping the building and that the $400,000 valuation was correct. Mr. Tiffany responded that 1,200 of the equity members had authorized by their signatures their approval to keep the building, and that it was not unsightly. Chair Glidden expressed his opinion that a deadline should be established. Mr. Present questioned the history ofthis issue, to which staffresponded that in the past the homeowners association had not been interested in retaining the building. Mr. Ansay expressed difficulty in approving a building that did not meet City setbacks. Mr. Tarr asked if residents had received notice of this meeting, to which staffresponded this was not a public hearing, and that no letters of opposition had been received from the concerned citizens organization. Mr. Tiffany indicated that most of the residents were aware of the meeting, and Mr. Tarr indicated favoring the request since the majority of the residents wanted to keep the building. Mr. Tiffany explained that the building formerly belonged to the developer but now belonged to the resident owners. Chair Glidden discussed options open to the Board. Petitioner explained the building setbacks. Mr. Tiffany estimated the development company would be there approximately another 2 -1/2 years until all the property was sold, and that within a year the building should be taken over by the people who wanted to keep it. • Mr. Solomon made a motion to deny petition MISC- 00 -22. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Present made a motion to recommend approval of petition M [SC-00 -22 to the City Council with the following conditions: 1. This approval shall be consistent with the following approved site plan on file with the Growth Management Department: July 8,1999 Site Plan, Urban Design Studio, Sheet 1 of 4. 2. This approval shall be consistent with the following landscape plan on file with the Growth Management Department: September 12, 1997 Landscape Plan, Urban Design Studio, 1 Sheet. 3. The administrative building shall remain until July 6, 2003. Formal notification shall be required to the heads of each homeowners association of any petitions to further extend the deadline prior to July 6, 2003. Mr. Tarr seconded the motion. Mr. Solomon indicated he did not believe this was a proper motion and that the petitioner should amend their petition. Chair Glidden expressed his opinion that the Board had the latitude to make amendments but it would be interesting to hear the petitioner's comments. Mr. Tiffany indicated he did not support the motion. City Attorney • Rubin indicated this was a proper motion. The motion carried 5-1. 4 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 Recommendation to Cites Council Petition AHSC- 01-01: Mirasol Parkway Landscaping and PCD Buffer A request by Urban Design Studio, agent, for approval of Parkway Landscape Plans and PCD Buffer Landscape Plans within the Alirasol (a.k.a. Golf Digest) Planned Community Development (PCD), which is located at the northwest corner of Florida's Turnpike and PGA Boulevard The subject site is 2,304.79 acres in size and consists of 2,145 single family homes, a golf course, a golf academy, 105,000 s f. of office space, 15,000 sf. of retail space, 10,000 s f. of community facilities, and 6,000 s.f. of sales center. City Forester Mark Hendrickson presented the request. Ann Booth, Urban Design Studio, spoke on behalf of the petitioner. The Board had no questions regarding the landscaping. Ms. Booth explained that responsibility for payment of ongoing electric charges for the lighting had not yet been decided, regarding which discussions were still continuing. Discussion ensued.. Ms. Booth explained that the developer had agreed to install and maintain the lights and the question was whether it was appropriate and fair to pass along charges to the homeowners or ifthe City could assist could participate as they did with lighting on other streets. Comments from Craig Kunkle were read into the record. Petitioner responded to each item, indicating the first plant size was specified the same for the rest ofthe category; that street light fixtures had been approved by the City and had been ordered, that the 6-foot and 12 -foot • walkways were not restricted and had drinking fountains located along the walkways, agreed to provide quantities and spacing for the drinking fountains; explained that landscape lighting would be in the nodes and that the petitioner would work with the City Forester regarding quantities; and that the fire station plan approved by the City had a view across the lake through the pine trees. Mr. Ansay questioned whether the City recommended a ratio of more native planting for this area, and the strong emphasis on native plant materials was described. Mr. Tarr asked and the City Forester verified that some landscaping would be taken for third and fourth lanes oftraffic along Jog Road in the future ifthose lanes were ever built and that there would be a landscaped median for which detailed plans would need to be approved. Ms. Booth described the history of Jog Road and commented that continuation to the north and expansion to four lanes was very doubtful within the lifetimes of those present. Discussion ensued regarding the City's position regarding payment for electrical costs for lighting. Mr. Hendrickson explained that such agreements were negotiated and that similar parkway electrical costs for which the City paid were along Northlake Boulevard south of PGA National through agreement with the County, and a section ofDonald Ross Road in association with Frenchman's Creek. Ms. Booth estimated the cost would be $10,000 annually. Mr. Solomon commented that in PGA National that Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District paid for the electric, which was assessed back to the unit owners. Ms. Booth requested this issue be discussed by City Council as a policy matter. Discussion ensued. Chair Glidden passed the gavel to Vice Chair Solomon and made the following motion: Mr. Glidden made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of Petition MISC -01 -01 with the following condition of approval as recommended by staff and with the explanation that this • petition was being moved forward in this way with the express request that the City Council 5 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 determine the matter of electrical based on City-wide policy, looking at specific comparable instances such as PGA National. 1. The Master Association for the Mirasol PCD (a.k.a. Golf Digest) shall pay all electrical costs for the Mirasol parkway (Jog Road, East-West Parkway and North -South Parkway) street and pathway lighting. Mr. Tarr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY The roll was called by Julie Schettenhehn, Secretary for the meeting. Present Absent John Glidden, Chair Craig Kunkle, Jr., Chair Pro Tem Dennis Solomon, Chair Elect Joel Charming Barry Present David Kendall • Dick Ansay Steve Tarr Ernest Volante Recommendation to City Council Petition WAV- 00-03: Palm Beach Community Church MXD Use Waivers The applicant has requested a waiverfrom the requirements of Policy to waive the mandatory residential requirement thatprovides for the inclusion of a residential component within the mix of uses on properties designated Mixed Use on the City's Future Land Use Map. Senior Planner Talal Benothman reviewed the request and recommended that in the future these types of waivers be reviewed when the PCD Master Plan or the PUD Master Plan was submitted for approval so that the waiver could be linked to the site plan approval and so that it would be known that the waiver was granted based on an actual site plan under review. Mr. Glidden indicated he had discussed the waiver with the applicant, and clarified with Mr. Benothman that the only item now under consideration was to remove the residential component. Discussion ensued. Donaldson Hearing, representative for the petitioner and the Bourland Center, introduced. others present on behalf of the petitioner, described the overall project, and requested direction for the process. Mr. Hearing explained that the Bourland Center was meant to be a bridge between the City and Palm Beach Community Church, providing a center for the performing arts. Mr. Hearing discussed the request and clarified that non residential MXD • was the request being made. Mr. Glidden reviewed the process anticipated for this project and requested 6 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 further clarification from the applicant. Mr. Hearing explained that there was a MXD land use but it did not define residential and non residential but did talk about a waiver from the residential requirement. Mr. Hearing clarified that the applicant believed the site was most appropriately considered as a non- residential MM and believed the code required a waiver to remove the residential component, and requested direction. A statement from Joel Channing indicated he was not absolutely against it but the plan needed to show a well- designed project, which Chair Glidden indicated he also supported. Mr. Benothman clarified that the Comprehensive Plan required a residential component be included in any parcel designated mixed use, which, ifwaived, by default became non - residential mixed use, and that the applicant did not want to have no residential but did not wish to comply with the vertical integration requirement. Mr. Benothman indicated this was the same situation as in Legacy Place. Chair Glidden questioned if the Board was comfortable without vertical integration so long as the project was well designed. A poll of the Board indicated the members would be comfortable considering hearing all the waivers, were looking for a well-designed project and for some integration, and for some PGA Boulevard overlay attention. Chair Glidden requested that the applicant work with nearby neighborhood groups, which Mr. Hearing indicated was the intent of the applicant. Workshop Petition DRI -00-01 & PCD- 00-01: Parcels 27.09 and 27.13 at the Regional Center, Notice of Proposed Change to the Master Plan • The applicant proposes amendments to the adopted Master Plan of Development/Map H for the Regional CenterDRI consisting of minorroa&vay reconfigurations, land use conversions, relocation of parcels within the DRI, and incorporating a conversion matrix into the development order. L� Senior Planner Talal Benothman reviewed the staff report. Dodi Glas, Urban Design Studio, agent for the applicant, noted this was the final phase of development scheduled for the DRI, and that this notice of proposed change was intended to provide flexibility with how remaining uses could be developed within the DRI without having to keep coming back with NOPC's. Ms. Glas reviewed the proposed changes. Mr. Solomon questioned whether the park would be conveyed to the City, to which Ms. Glas responded she believed the intent was that it would be a public park maintained and operated by the property owner but the lake itselfbelonged to Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District. Ms. Glas clarified that the six-acre cultural center parcel would he broken into two three -acre parcels, one ofwhich would become more open space and the other spreading out the residential on the east side of the lake. Staff indicated their recommendations would be made with the public hearing. Chair Glidden recapped the comments and indicated he had no further questions. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the Commission. 7 • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 NEW BUSINESS Chair Glidden encouraged everyone to review their package on Legacy Place before the workshop. Chair Glidden reported Alternate David Kendall was taking a class, to which he had committed before joining the Board, which met every Tuesday night through May, and Mr. Glidden had suggested he contact the City and explain that and that since he was an alternate that he could be available on an emergency basis. It was recommended that comments from the City Council Liaison be placed at the beginning of the agenda. Staff was requested to provide reports on how items passed along to City Council had been handled at that level. Mr. Solomon suggested the possibility ofrevisiting the LDWsto clarify cou icting items. Staffindicated they would look at that again. Chair Glidden indicated the Board would like to see everything at once, including signage. • Chair Glidden expressed hope that the City Planning and Building Departments work closely together so that items that were of concern to this Board did not just get permitted and built. • Mr. Cramer announced a new Growth Management Director would start March 12. An identification card for Board members was requested. The March 13 regular meeting was rescheduled for March 6 because the election was to be held on March 13. 8 C • Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes February 6, 2001 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held February 13, 2001. APPROVED: • John Glidden, Chair Dennis Solomon; Craig Kunkle, Jr., Chair Pro Tem Joel Charming a��x (�411 Dick Ansay Ernest Volonte Alternate David Kendall Julie Schettenh ft, Secretary for the Meeting • 0